Scruby, he replied. What a joke.

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 12:10
ThreadID: 21623 Views:4245 Replies:10 FollowUps:7
This Thread has been Archived
This is a copy of the emails too and from Scruby. Read from the bottom to the top to make the most sense out of it. This guys has got a screw loose! He appears to be an arrogant moron.

I am providing you with my details purley to show you I have nothing to hide, unlike yourself.

No I don't get it.

Why do you need to check someones "bona fides" in order to send them an application form, surley that's what the application for is used for!?

I am asking to join an organisation about pedestrian rights not appying for a job working with small children for heavans sake! I think this is rediculous.

Jeff Mead
Mobile 0417 ** ****
Phone: (08) 9250-****
Address: ** ***** **** ******* WA

----- Original Message -----
From: PCA
To: 'Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 9:17 AM
Subject: RE: Mebership.(SIC)

Mr Mead

I don't think you really get it.

After all this and repeated requests, we still have no idea who you are, just simply an email address.

We have asked you several times for your details, which for some very strange reason, you refuse to provide.

Unless you are prepared to provide same so we can check your bona fides, we want no more to do with you.

Do you understand?



From: Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2005 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Mebership.(SIC)

"surveillance" = I sell cameras and alarms. I cannot see the relevance of being a licensed security consultant effecting membership with the Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited.

I am surprised at your attitude, I have been nothing but polite with you and you are taking a rude tone with me.
All I have done is asked for a membership application with your organisation and you have refused to give me one unless I provide you with my personal details first.
What kind of organisation are you running? Your website looked like you were operating a fair dinkum cause with good values and ideas, however I have found through communicating with you that you avoided the simple questions that I asked, demanded personal information from me and have given me absolutally no information about your council at all.

Harold, have you somthing to hide mate? Do you actually have any members or is your website a front from some kind of internet con?


----- Original Message -----
From: PCA
To: 'Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 5:16 PM
Subject: RE: Mebership.(SIC)

Everything. As an organisation we have the right to choose whom we will accept as members.

We've had some trouble with a "surveillance" organisation and wanted to ensure you weren't involved with them.

Please do not email again unless you are prepared top provide us with the details requested.


From: Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, 29 March 2005 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: Mebership.(SIC)

What does my employ have to do with the Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited?
----- Original Message -----
From: PCA
To: 'Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: Mebership.(SIC)

No and yes.

PS: (repeat) And are you employed by Austech Surveillance?



From: Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, 29 March 2005 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Mebership.

Hi Harold, thank you for your reply, do you have a privacy policy that you could forward to me before I supply you my personal details? Do you need these details before you can send me a membership application form?
----- Original Message -----
From: PCA
To: 'Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: Mebership.

We are reviewing our membership classifications.

Please email us details of your full name, home address and phone details

And are you employed by austech surveillance


Harold Scruby

Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited
"The Walking Class Heroes"

Telephone: (02) 9968-4555
Facsimile: (02) 9968-4566


PO Box 500

ABN 18 075 106 286

From: Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, 29 March 2005 4:19 PM
Subject: Mebership.

Hi I've just visited you website and I have a few questions:

1) Ask can I become a members

2) How many other members does the council have?

3) Where are the meetings held, day , time, venue?

4) What are the yearly membership fees?

5) can you please send me a copy of the membership aplication so that I can join.

Yours Faithfully

Back Expand Un-Read 0 Moderator

Reply By: Wombat - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 12:27

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 12:27
Hmmmmm! Think I might also attempt to join "The Walking Class Heroes". Anyone else like to join?

Also interesting to note that the EO Business Search Keyword came up with "Children".
AnswerID: 104309

Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 12:43

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 12:43
And it continues... (again read from bottom to top)


That seems a little silly. I don't think anyone actually thinks that. Does that mean that because you own a 4wd you throw your rubbish out the window? Does it mean that because you own a 4wd you don't take public transport? I mean really... That's just a pretty poor effort at stereo typing. Just like saying that because you own a 4wd you don't feel that walking to work day is a good idea or that you don't value the saftey of pedestrians. I actually own a 4wd. We go bush at least once a month, it's great for my kids to explore our wonderful land. But I have fitted a reverse beeper to my vehicle and I feel that it has more rear visibility than my wifes BA falcon. I also drive a Toyota Echo to work (as I live 35kms away from home with no public transport in that direction). I think stereo typing people like myself is a little insulting.

But hey. What can we do hey, it goes on everyday, people stereo type asians, greeeks, aboriginies I guess it's just human nature...
----- Original Message -----
From: PCA
To: 'Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 10:28 AM
Subject: RE: Mebership.(SIC)

Yours may well be a friendly group. I can assure you there are many that are not.

Interesting piece in today's SMH:

Sydney Morning Herald – Wednesday 30 March 2005

Tar the ocean, put wheels on ships

Scott O'Brien explains the rules of life from a superior position.

As I sit alone in my four-wheel-drive, quasi-gridlocked on the Anzac Bridge heading to work in the city, I am feeling quite sorry for myself. The constant depression of the clutch and the foot co-ordination required to contend with the grindingly slow traffic is keeping me busy. Such is my difficult life. I wish I had both of my hands free to eat my morning McDonald's burger and drink my Coke. Oh well.

As I toss my rubbish out the window, and switch the vent to circulate air already in the cabin rather than breathe more of the toxicity coming in from outside, I pity the fools walking to work. Surely it can't be good for their health?

And don't get me started on the tree-huggers in the buses. All of them - thinking they are superior while they stand all the way to town - get my blood boiling. Don't they realise they could be in a car, with air-conditioning or heating, going from door to door?

Better still if they can travel in a nice big vehicle by themselves with room to spread out. Don't let anyone convince you these things are for off-roading - the view from high above other vehicles in city peak hour is return on investment enough.

If you are like me and like to stay abreast of what's going in the world, you will know that the state of public transport is down the toilet. It doesn't appeal to me at all. Sure, it might be faster, more relaxing, less stressful, better for the environment, cheaper and sociable, but I don't care. I prefer to be in my four-wheel-drive.

Clearly, the obvious answer is to scrap the whole public transport idea altogether. That would give governments more money to spend on roads. What we need are more roads. We should model our transport models on LA's. Space isn't an issue; we can just build bigger and bigger tunnels linking more and more freeways. Underground is a plentiful and untapped resource.

If residents complain of exhaust stacks we can just build them higher and higher - just like the sewage outfalls that were put further and further out to sea. Out of sight out of mind. They may foolishly complain of depreciated housing values but in reality it's just the opposite. People love to live close to transport. It's win-win.

One of the only things in this world that ruffles my feathers is when I hear others complain about 4WDs and the damage they cause. Well, you crazy hippies, let me tell you that as a taxpayer, surely it is my God-given right to drive on the roads that my tax dollar is paying for?

All this recent talk of increasing bus lanes is ridiculous. Rather, there should be dedicated 4WD lanes with no pesky cyclists allowed. They are accidents waiting to happen. Speaking of which, I have never been injured in either of the crashes I have been involved in. In fact my "tank" has rarely been damaged, and neither has its bullbar.

Hell, we should all be driving them. Although that may ruin my view a little.



Harold Scruby

Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited
"The Walking Class Heroes"

Telephone: (02) 9968-4555
Facsimile: (02) 9968-4566
Mobile: (0418) 110-011


PO Box 500

ABN 18 075 106 286

AnswerID: 104310

Reply By: Wombat - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 13:24

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 13:24
Howard's membership form. I wonder what benefits you get from membership?
AnswerID: 104315

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 13:27

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 13:27
You pay for him to right tripe in the SMH like he insterted into his reply to me. Strange, it had all the formating and everything, the copy on the SMH website had no such formatting. It's obvious who the author was. What a tool....
FollowupID: 361734

Reply By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 14:25

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 14:25
Thats why they call him Harry Screwloose.. Probably never done an honest days work in his pathetic little life, and lives in Neutral Bay!!! The same little man that wants to change our flag. Does Scruby sound like an Aussie name? I wonder what his agenda is.
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

Retired 2016 and now Out and About!

Somewhere you want to explore ? There is no time like the present.

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AnswerID: 104319

Follow Up By: Member - Wim (Qld) - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 14:35

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 14:35

Harold Charles WOLFE Scruby
Born 1947 Singapore

Interesting man.

Life too short to let people such as this get you down.
Just think of what he is missing. The only time he gets to see what most of us enjoy first hand, is on TV.

Stay calm.
Camper setup
July 2012 - Hay River & Binns track
VKS 737 Mobile 0091
Selcall 0091

Lifetime Member
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FollowupID: 361744

Reply By: Aston - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 21:04

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 21:04
Jeff M (WA)

Jeff I commend you for your perseverence in trying to deal with Harold,

The reply that you received is the type of reply that I thought you would get.

As can be seen by the crazy response and requests.

The problem is that this fool has the ear of the politicians and the media.

Maybe you could contact one of the Sydney papers and offer to send some of the correspondance to point out what sort of individual and supposed organization that they are dealing with.

Once again Thanks for the effort,

Cheers Aston
AnswerID: 104371

Reply By: Mike - Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 22:38

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 22:38
And to those who don't already know, this moron drives a Subaru 4WD!

Happy (no Harold) trails, Mike.
AnswerID: 104390

Reply By: Member - Bradley- Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 23:28

Wednesday, Mar 30, 2005 at 23:28
mate if you have proof of his authoring of that piece submitted to the smh under an ailias, then used by him and his cause (ie the formatting etc) then our friends at mediawatch at the abc would be very interested i would think, Put the info together and contact the producers and the new presenter (i cant think of her name).
AnswerID: 104397

Reply By: Big Woody - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 07:41

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 07:41
Hi Jeff,
I think you would be able to take this further for a couple of reasons. Under the Asscoiations and Incorporations act.... for an organisation to refuse membership there has to be a very valid reason like obvious conflict of interest or danger to safety of members etc. but certainly you can't be refused the application form in the first place as the decision on someones membership is not in the hands of one person but must go, by means of the application form, before the management committee who will discuss and vote on the application.
The 2nd point I believe you could pursue is the fact that you have requested a copy of the privacy policy prior to handing over any personal information. It is illegal not to provide this when requested and you were actually requested again for your personal information and denied a copy of the privacy policy.
If you are interested I will try to find out who you can take this to.
Might as well teach him that he is not God!!!

AnswerID: 104410

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 12:17

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 12:17
I would be VERY interested in following this up. If you could provide me with the details of who to take it to that would be great.
FollowupID: 361824

Follow Up By: Big Woody - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 16:15

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 16:15
Hi Jeff,

First of all, here is the membership application form you were after available online:

Secondly, Harolds link on you email only takes you to the "Walk" website not the Pedestrian Council of Australia which is quite interesting. Have a look in this link at the "Issues" section and you will see the links to Bullbars, 4wd's, Towbars etc....

His "Warning on 4wd's" link just takes you to one small article from the Sydney Telegraph dated November 2001 and that's it.

I have worked in several government funded organisations and I am currently the CEO of one of these. I have also held several executive positions on management committees. The terminology may change depending on the organisational structure but essentially it is all the same and the same rules apply. After looking at the "WALK" website and the number of government departments that "sponsor" the program, I would be pretty confident in assuming that the departments are what we would normally term "funding bodies". Each of the funding bodies will have a representative responsible for overseeing the operations of the organisation including the governance. This person in Queensland is known as the Community Resource Officer. The quote below is from the "WALK" website. My guess is that each of the Departments below will have a representative that you could contact to raise your concerns:-

"The event is proudly sponsored by: Motor Accidents Authority NSW, RTA - (Roads and Traffic Authority - NSW), NSW Health, Environment Protection Authority (NSW), NRMA and Active Australia."

If you don't get the response you are after in government ask to speak to their supervisor and keep going up the ladder until you can communicate with someone who is prepared to act on your behalf. They are obliged to do so.

Another angle you have is regarding the legal perspective from the privacy laws that have been in place since 2000. The link below should answer all of your questions but it may pay to make a phone call to the Privacy Commissioner and see if they will take it any further on your behalf.

Here is also a copy of the section of that policy that applies to your request for a copy of the Privacy Policy:

5. Openness
5.1 An organisation must set out in a document clearly expressed policies on its management of personal information. The organisation must make the document available to anyone who asks for it.

5.2 On request by a person, an organisation must take reasonable steps to let the person know, generally, what sort of personal information it holds, for what purposes, and how it collects, holds, uses and discloses that information

For further information please contact:
Privacy Commissioner
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001

Privacy Hotline: 1300 363 992
Telephone: (02) 9284 9800
Fax: (02) 9284 9666

Some simple rules for playing this game (which is what it is). And you have to play by the rules or it won't go anywhere. Put everything in writing. Diarise each and every phone call with date, time and content that relates to this issue. It is going to be hard work to follow it through to the end but it can be fun. Do your research and be informed about every comment you make. There will be times when you feel like it goes nowhere and people like this use bluff to try to intimidate you out of the situation but at the end of the day, you will do some good, if not now, certainly for someone else in the future.

Finally, the Registry of Co-operatives & Associations, which is part of the NSW Office of Fair Trading, is who you speak with if you have concerns as to the behaviour of, or your treatment by someone who is on the executive of an association. They would be the best to ask if the CEO has grounds on refusing to provide you with an application form and also a copy of the Privacy Policy unless you provide your personal information. Here is the link to their website and also their contact details:

Contact details
Registry of Co-operatives & Associations
PO Box 22
154 Russell Street


Telephone: 6333 1400
FreeCall: 1800 502 042 (outside Bathurst)
Fax: 6333 1444

My personal opinion:-
I would do all of the above but I would also send a copy of everything you have and everything you get through the process and email it to John Laws. He loves this stuff, he drives a Landcruiser, and people with attitudes like this really bleep him off.

Good luck and if you have any other questions, my email address is:

Let me know how you go.
FollowupID: 361854

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 18:20

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 18:20
Big Woody, boy is there some awsome info in your followup/reply. I will get to work on it. My time is a little limited so we will see how far I get before it get's the better of me.
I'll let you all know how it goes...
FollowupID: 361873

Reply By: Member - Chrispy (NSW) - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 08:00

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 08:00
SMH: "In 1986, Scruby allegedly drove his Mercedes into a jogger. He was acquitted of a charge of wanton driving after the magistrate blamed the jogger."

SMH: "A crusader for proper use of English, Scruby found time on the road to notoriety to write a book called Waynespeak and a second, slender one, Manglish."

If you email him - make sure YOUR SPELLING IS CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He will instantly dismiss you as a (in his words) "fool" if you make a typo or are just a lazy speller.
AnswerID: 104414

Reply By: Big Woody - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 16:28

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 16:28
Hi Jeff,
I responded to your request but I posted the follow up on my original post and I am not sure if you get emailed a copy of that or not. So that is where you will find it anyway.

AnswerID: 104498

Follow Up By: Aston - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 18:08

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 18:08
I think it's terrific,

Between Jeff(Wa) and Bretts advice "Harold" won't know what hit him because if Jeff follows Bretts knowledge "Harold" will have to submit.

"Go get'im fellas"

Cheers Aston
FollowupID: 361868

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 19:14

Thursday, Mar 31, 2005 at 19:14
Alright guys I have faxed and posted letters to the Registry of Co-operatives & Associations NSW and to the Privacy Comissioner. I have also included copies of the emails.

I have also sent copies of the emails to John Laws and an email explaining what happened.

Let's wait and see if anything happens there, if not we will take it up a gear hey. ;-)
FollowupID: 361886

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