Place Type
Population - City
158.53kms West of Sydney - Driving 202 km (2 hours 46 mins)
210.24kms North of Canberra - Driving 294 km (3 hours 24 mins)
737.38kms SouthWest of Brisbane - Driving 985 km (11 hours 19 mins)
Address & Contact Edit
73 William St
Bathurst NSW 2795
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
Bathurst is a regional city in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia. Bathurst is the oldest inland settlement in Australia was the site of the first gold discovery. Today, the legend of Peter Brock, education, tourism and manufacturing drive the economy. The internationally known racetrack Mount Panorama is a landmark of the city. Bathurst has an historic city centre with many buildings remaining from the gold rush period of the mid to late 1800s.