Friends of Ningaloo IMPORTANT!!!

Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 16:07
ThreadID: 20014 Views:4404 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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I received the following in an email and with Michelle's permission I am copying it here for you. WA folk in particular, please take note and action. For those of you who have been lucky enough to visit Ningaloo, I need make no explaination. For those of you yet to visit bear in mind that the camping and fishing opportunities that currently exist in this area (ie on the coastal stations south of Yardie Ck) are absolutely unique:


To all campers, visitors and interested parties who visit NINGALOO STATION.

The following is a news/action letter of the utmost importance and I request and urge you to read it and act on therecommendations as it is the ONLY avenue left to save NINGALOO station and the coastline and retain it in its current condition for you and generations of your family and friends. As you are aware a State election is imminent and the outcome will determine if the station, coast, fishing, management, sanctuaries etc will stay as is or change forever.

The State Labour Party current and proposed policy for Ningaloo station is as follows;

As you may be aware the sanctuary zones were increased from 10% of the marine park to 35% with no scientific evidence or support of the general public. The Labour Government rejected professional advice from its own Fisheries Department (a world recognized specialist in Fisheries management) and the committee of local people and experts it established to obtain public input, and arbitrarily made over 92% of Ningaloo Station coastline a sanctuary. The extent of these sanctuaries is from Winderabandi Point - north to Yardie Creek - (this includes all of the bombing range) and from Point Edgar south to Ningaloo Stations southern boundary and seaward up to 3 nautical miles – the extent of the State Waters. There was a map published in the “West Australian” in November.

Most Australians accept the concept of having sanctuaries within a marine park but why not have them within the established Cape RangeNational Park or establish them when scientific evidence is forthcoming but don’t close off 92% of our coastline.
The effect of “closing off “ excessive areas from fishing defeats the main reason for establishing sanctuaries as it concentrates the public fishing pressure to a small area which in no time will be depleted.

Generations of families from Western Australia, other states of Australia (including Tasmania) and overseas visitors have enjoyed the carefree, but responsible, camping on Ningaloo station for many years. Nearly all visitors comply with station camping guidelines, and have, over the years, been actively involved in coastal restoration work,
general cleanups, tree planting and other environmental undertakings.
No official Government policy on camping has been issued for Ningaloo station but we believe a NO CAMPING policy is imminent. Warroora station has received correspondence from the Government, which forbids any camping
or caravanning on their station and non-compliance by the station may invoke a fine of $10,000.
Proposed Government policy is for five tourist nodes to be developed on Ningaloo station, which in effect negates camping as we know and enjoy it.


Coastal management (and in 2015 the complete station) will be undertaken by CALM. Neither the campers nor the station owners will have a say in the management of our coast.


The area of land the Labor government intends to “ confiscate “ off Ningaloo station for the Ningaloo Marine Park (if that is what it is going to be know as) ?? is 22,000 (twenty two thousand) hectares? This area equates to half of Ningaloo station and extends East (inland) up to 22.4 km. Within this area the Labor Governments policy is to provide tourist nodes at Janes Bay, Ningaloo Homestead (this is a 500 bed, fully serviced node, including shops, fuel outlets, caravan parks etc) South and North Lefroy Bay and Winderabandi Point.

Now you have read and inwardly digested the devastating news proposed by the current Labour Government please



The Coalition of the Nationals [WA] and the Liberal party have negotiated agreements with Coastal stations, the Exmouth and Carnarvon shires, Coral Bay community, WA Game Fishing Association, and Recfishwest and have signed Memorandums of Understanding with us all. They have PLEDGED and announced publicly the following commitments;

To remove any reference to extended sanctuary zones and extension of the marine park until such time as clear scientific objectives and rationale for the location and extent of any proposed zones is established. In other words the existing sanctuary zones remain unchanged.

Permit the pastoralist on the Ningaloo coast to continue control of management of the stations, remote camping and limited tourism ventures, Negotiate with the pastoralist to effect a management plan for the environmental stewardship of the station AND the adjacent coastline of the Ningaloo Marine Park. Both the station and the campers currently “manage” the coastal 40m strip and this commitment will formalize this action. Revoke any legislation where excision would seek to remove management of any part of the pastoral lease from the control of the leasee.

Cease all excisions of pastoral leases and reverse any agreements made under duress [that is NO land will be confiscated as is proposed by the Labour Government],
Pastoralist will continue to hold leases beyond 2015 under the normal due process.

There will be no resumption of pastoral leases to effect World Heritage listing. The Exmouth Shire support the listing of the Cape Range National Park and the Ningaloo reef [itself] as World Heritage,

There will be NO development nodes along the coastline.
All large –scale tourism development on the Ningaloo coast will be only permitted in the town sites of Coral Bay, Exmouth and Carnarvon.

Wilderness fishing philosophy will be implemented on Ningaloo, Warroora and Gnaraloo stations. This means People who fish within the Wilderness Fishing Zone will be permitted to possess the current Ningaloo Marine Park Possession limit of fish for consumption while within that zone. When leaving the Wilderness Fishing Zone the possession limit of fish will be a maximum of one [1] whole fish plus two [2] kg of fish fillets and four [4] rock lobster. This new level of recreational fishing management aims to promote “Fishing for the Future”, permitting people to catch and consume a feed of fish whilst within the Wilderness Fishing Zone but prohibiting freezer filling.


If the Labour Party is returned;
[1] Sanctuaries are increased to 92% (on Ningaloo Stataion Coastline),
[2] Very limited or no fishing,
[3] All of Ningaloo Station forfeited in 2015,
[4] CALM will “manage” the coast,
[5] Five tourist nodes will be established.

When the Coalition of the Nationals / Liberal party form Government;
[1]Ningaloo Station remains as a remote camping area
[2] Sanctuaries remain as is,
[3] No land forfeited from the station for development or for extension of the Marine Park
[4] The Station will manage coastal camping and the land component of the Ningaloo Marine Park (current),
[5] No tourist nodes to be developed,
[6] Wilderness fishing accepted.

Now please contact the following people via email, fax, written letter or phone [followed by a letter] with some very hard hitting, pertinent questions and expressions of dissatisfaction of the Labor Partys policies; and insist on replies within a timely period and if not forthcoming, contact them again.

Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, Alannah MacTiernan . Email
Phone [08] 92136400, Facsimile [08] 92136401. Address; Dumas House, 2 Havlock street, West Perth 6005.
Minister for the Environment, Judy Edwards. CALMS boss. Email Phone [08] 92205050
Facsimile [08] 92214665. Address; Allendale Square, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth. 6000.
Premier. Geoff Gallop. Email Phone [08] 92229888,
Facsimile [08] 93221213, Address, 197 St Georges Terrace, Perth. 6000.
If you reside in the North West Coast electorate Mr Fred Riebeling. Email
Phone [08] 9144413, Facsimile [08] 91444115. Address, Box 1050 Karratha. 6714.

Please also contact the following people and give them your support;
Liberal/National party spokesman for the Environment Mr Brendon Grylls. Email
Phone;1800673914 or mobile 0428632334
Mr David Hay Liberal candidate for the seat of North West Coast. Email Phone [08] 91442022
Facsimlie [08] 91856061. Address PO box 187 Karratha, WA. 6714.

Please pass this vital message on to as many “like minded” people you know and ask them to assist as requested.
It would be appreciated if you would supply me with the names, email address, etc [and ask the people you have Contacted to do likewise] via email or phone/ fax [08] 99425936 after 7 pm.
If I can be of any assistance or if you require any information please contact me.

Kind Regards and Seasons greetings,


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Reply By: Member - Davoe (WA) - Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 16:17

Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 16:17
It was my understandin that all the proposed changes were Taliban oh sorry I meant CALM Confusion And Lack Management initiated so I am unsure it will matter who gets in because like all good fascist totalitarian regienmes they wont be happy till it is all off limits and we are hearded into Caravan Parks
AnswerID: 96066

Reply By: Member - Bradley- Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 17:14

Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 17:14
yep force you to go there and stay in a place which pays a healthy contract fee to the govt, vic govt is trying to do the same here.

Nice thoughts on the libs , but like all parties they are renouned for the old backflip once in power, look at the fed election, they were backing out and backflipping within the first week.

I've seen some docos on ningaloo and the proposed resorts etc, and i'm disgusted with the thought, it looks like a geourgeous place which i plan to visit in the next few years (if allowed by the nazis), so i will be drafting up a letter and contacting the relevant ministers listed.

Good luck all you sandgropers.
AnswerID: 96080

Reply By: MAVERICK(WA) - Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 20:13

Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 20:13
on feb 26 we in wa get to vote on who will screw us the least over the next 4 years. we were sick of the condescending and dictatorial attitude shown by dickie and his mob so out they went. on the back of promises made by good news geoff he was given a chance to do something. his something was to tax the living daylights out of everyone and everything, install some absolute drop kicks as ministers - alannah, michelle, eric, alan, judy - and then hope we wouldn't notice. meanwhile the opposition went to sleep and suddenly woke up when latham decided to allow his people to be decimated. neither the current govt nor the mob hoping to be in power after the 26th are worthy of a vote - and that is where the unfortunate bit currently sits - the way the system is set in place there is only a 2 party race and it is not even the best of the worst 2 who gets in. surely there must come a time to dispense of the state governments and all their waste and hypocrisy (that they manage to copy from their federal counterparts). as for ningaloo - where have all the chardonnay drinkers gone this time - too busy slinking around their dalkeith or subi wine bars and coffee shops. politicians in election mode - couldn't lie straight if they were in a coffin. rgds
Slow down and relax......

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AnswerID: 96132

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (WA) - Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 20:24

Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 20:24
going back a couple of years some wasm students started a party in Kalgoorlie it stood for being responsable for your actions there policys included legaliseing riding in the back of utes and open speed limits to name a few they also stood for swimming in abandoned pits and more b&s balls .................... they got my vote
FollowupID: 354896

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 23:11

Tuesday, Feb 01, 2005 at 23:11
To be honest, I dont think it matters jack chit anymore who you vote for.

The next scum in power WILL shaft you exactly the same as the last.. and the next, and the one after..

PROMISE THE WORLD... deliver an MT Pizza box if your lucky.
FollowupID: 354935

Reply By: Coops (Ex-Pilbara) - Wednesday, Feb 02, 2005 at 01:13

Wednesday, Feb 02, 2005 at 01:13
I think this is important enough to follow up on. I have camped all along this stretch and it is the most beautiful & pristine stretch of coastline and camping that one could imagine. There's no evidence of harm being done at present and this sort of autocratic proposal needs to be stomped on.
Calm couldn't manage a scout camp so I'll write but I dunno about voting for Colin
AnswerID: 96174

Reply By: Hal Harvey - Thursday, Feb 03, 2005 at 15:31

Thursday, Feb 03, 2005 at 15:31
It's more important than some of you are giving it credit for. This is for West Australians in particular: Vote Labor back in, and they will have been given a thumbs up for what they have done, and they will do more - a lot more - if you think Ningaloo was bad (and it was terrible), you won't believe what's very close for the Cape to Cape stretch down south, and there are another dozen lined up behind it.

OR... kick them out by voting the Libs in on February 26th, and you will be punching the message home that what has been done so far is unacceptable, and the public won't stand for it.

Pretty simple isn't it.

I personally believe the Libs will keep their word on what the above proposes they will do with Ningaloo. They have no reason not to; it's millions cheaper than having a CALM officer on every corner (they already comprise 5% of the employed people in Exmouth, and the new influx hasn't even started yet!), and the Libs will be looking for (virtually free) community stewardship to run the show, just as it has so effectively been done in the past. Labor are wanting to stop that - and you.
AnswerID: 96461

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