Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025 at 11:59
This beach driving ban does "wind me up" as I have mentioned before, the "what are we going to whinge about this week" mob, like picking the low fruit in public debate and the 4wd community is one such item...especially on their little "hobby horse" of tracks being closed in National Parks.
Granted that there are some real right "shite heads" out there making it hard for the rest of us 4wders, with them trashing national parks, beaches, leaving rubbish, ruining tracks and just being absolute twats.
Some of them thinking that posting it on "social media"..gets them clicks and viewers which boosts their social media profile...hence more income.
So what are the "legacy media 4wders" going to do about this increase of utter bogan behaviour..are they going to call out these idiots and show on their programmes the damage these morons are doing to our social hobby.
I'm talking to you..Mr 4wding, Matt 4wding, All 4 Adventure, 4wd24/7 and the others...
Are you going to stop roaring through mud tracks, driving up tracks during a wet season, lifting wheels up on rocky tracks and adding to tracks overall erosion?
Are you going to stop dragging your 3000kg+ vans onto remote beaches that should have been left back parked behind the sand dunes on more solid ground?
Are these blokes going to do a piece to camera and say." we are not going to go through this
mud hole or this track because it will cause more damage, we will just go around the chicken track?"
Nah..not a chance..because it makes "good TV" to show mud flying, wheels spinning, dust flying and
winches getting used, blokes standing around laughing patting each other on the back, because they haven't broken any thing whilst they have added to trashing another "over eroded track".
Now we the general 4wding public are paying the price for this public display of idiocy from some of these legacy media 4wding programmes.
It's a case of Monkey see, monkey do, if these public media blokes can do that..then shite heads out there do by example.
Just today.
There was a person talking on the local ABC radio whom has been studying the "Pippi"
population along the beaches up here in the Northern Rivers.
His conclusion is that the Pippi
population was thriving 100 years ago, but now the
population is struggling and he has "observed" this close to the 4wds entrances onto beaches.
So his conclusion to his observational hypothesis.."ban 4wding on beaches".
There was little mention that 4wd beach driving has become popular over the last 15 -20 years..but no study on the definitive time line of study showing specifically that with the increase of 4wding the Pippi
population has decreased.
No proper tested and peer reviewed study.
There are other variables:
A/. have not been contemplated.
B/. Not even considered nor scientifically studied for any great length of time.
Actually has there been long term scientific study done in respect to the following:
1/. The soil chemistry composition changes due to pollution, sand temperatures increasing, water temp increasing which have changed significantly over the last 100 years so the pippi
population has suffered.
2/. The over fishing of the Pippi
population by humans.
3/. Has the Pippi
population ebbed and wained over significant time periods and we at present are experiencing a waining Pippi
It took medical scientists studying the effects of smoking over 50 years to come to the definitive scientific conclusion from an general hypothesis that "smoking is bad for your health".
Anyway..I'm off to a Fenldenkris class to chill out for a while.
Follow Up By: Batt's - Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025 at 14:47
Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025 at 14:47
I could be wrong but I thought they use to use front end loaders to collect pipes years ago. If so that wouldn't have helped.