I value your genuine feedback on Hema HX-1


A couple of months ago in preparation of our upcoming trip to Tasmania after many years of great service from my Hema HN-6 & later HN-7. I decided to bite the bullet and purchase the new HX-1 that Hema have recently released.
Other than charging the unit and ‘playing’ with it prior to our trip I didn’t use it, as I was in familiar territory.
When we arrived here in Tassie, I attached the unit to the windscreen and with in a very short time the unit displayed an ‘Overheat’ message on the screen.....disconnect power and move unit out of sunlight (or similar).
I must state the ambient heat on the day was 22c, I appreciate the heat/sunload coming through the screen into the car would would be higher and be increasing cabin temp.
For a navigation tool like the Hema HX-1 , silly me thought it would be able to handle the heat load subjected to the unit in Tasmania, let alone the heat load it would be subjected to in the top half of this great country!
I contacted Hema at their head office and have had very pleasant communications with two of their tech support guys.
Both of these reps have been very obliging and come across as being interested in my problems.
Long and short of it, Hema sent me a (brand new) replacement unit here in Tassie (which was very much appreciated). Charged it up attached it to the windscreen, ambient temp 14c with in half an hour, overheat warning again and GPS extremely erratic operation......lost GPS signal MANY times, take unit out of cradle, put out of direct sunlight and let it ‘cool down’.....unit did feel warm to touch when taken out off the cradle.
Let unit ‘cool down’ for say half an hour put it back in supplied cradle, reset settings and continued our journey....within minutes the overheating warning came up again and the unit then freezes, for a period.
Today the ambient is 11c (yes....it snowed here last night)
AGAIN the unit looses GPS signal...... must mention my vehicle has a GPS system running the same iGo street operating programme as the Hema, The vehicle system mimics the Hema (when its working) but then the Hema goes haywire and the vehicle GPS keeps tracking as it should.....I would use my vehicles nav system....but it doesn’t have the Hema features.
I again contacted Hema today ....negotiating there phone system and music while waiting to speak again to a now familiar voice .....again I was treated with respect and my concerns were listened and I believe noted on ‘my file’
Hema are now sending me my third HX-1 which I will pick up when we reach Hobart.
My question to anyone .......who has an HX-1 and has experienced similar problems with their unit would you please comment!
In closing ....this is definitely not meant to be a hate session on Hema, I have been a very happy customer of their product for many years.....and I would like that association to continue......
I would value your honest feedback, thank you!

Since posting the above on another forum, I have received my second replacement unit (total of three now) the new unit took a genuine 15 minutes to realise it was in Hobart rather than Brisbane.....then lost GPS signal twice in the first half hour of ‘realising’ where it was.......
PLEASE UNDERSTAND......I am looking for genuine feedback.....this is not a witch hunt!!
Thank you
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