Blog Comment: The journey or the destination? A guide to unsealed-road safety

Hi Kalen
I read your blog on the trip to the Birdsville Bash (with some envy mind you) and your raise some very valid and useful points.
It got me thinking about other aspects, especially how it relates to the vehicle and insurance. As a long term visitor to EO I would hazard a guess that insurance questions in the forum are amongst the most frequent.
One that appears to cause confusion is the “where am I covered”. Now most PDS are quite clear, especially when they say anywhere in Australia you are entitled to be. It would be good to hear from the industry in clear concise language as many appear to be hesitant on the meaning of the PDS.
The other that is always of interest to me, is modifications to vehicles. Many modifications, if not most, usually require an engineer’s sign-off under State regulations. Even items such as the addition of auxiliary fuel tanks, tyre sizes, suspension changes.
It would be good to hear an insurer’s perspective on this and the approach taken if someone is making a claim on a vehicle where the modification has not been certified, therefore making it technically un-roadworthy.
And for sure, no one situation will be the same as the next, but I feel a high level overview from someone in the industry would be welcomed by many, especially those blissfully unaware of the implications…
Cheers, Baz – The Landy
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