ANZAC Day - Let's Pause to Remember...

As we head into the ANZAC long-weekend can I simply say…

Let’s all take the time to pause and reflect on the military service Australian men and women have given to our country.

To remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and to think of the family left behind with no-more than memories to hold on to; to remember the Australian men and women who are currently serving in theatres of war and in peace keeping roles around the world.

To remember all our good friends here at ExplorOz who are or have been serving members…

I’m sure if anyone of us was to stand quietly on the beaches of Gallipoli; at the top of Isravu Hill along the Kokoda Track; or in the rubber plantation of Long Tan in the muddy quagmire of an Asian Jungle – we would hear the familiar drawl that is uniquely ours, Australians’ laughing, engaging in banter, as only Australian’s can, trembling in the face of adversity, but above all else I’m sure our mind’s eye would see a scene of mates, looking out for their mates.

Lest We Forget…

Baz – The Landy
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