Queensland in Dec

Submitted: Friday, Oct 20, 2000 at 00:00
ThreadID: 13 Views:2089 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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Due to the wet season in the tropics , how far north of Cairns is it possible to go due to the roads around the second week of December?
Also is it feasable to camp around Cairns during this season?

Any recommendations of campsites?

Many Thanks
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Reply By: joseph baz - Saturday, Oct 21, 2000 at 00:00

Saturday, Oct 21, 2000 at 00:00
Donna u havent mentioned what tipe of vehicle are u driving, be very aware that the moonsoon moves very quickly and when the rain starts(3 drops to the bucketfull) can live u stranded as there is many creeks that rise even if its not raining around u cape tribulation and the crab track are very unique places,be aware of the oversize lizards(CROCKS) be carefully and enjoy it
AnswerID: 14

Reply By: Dave Phoenix - Tuesday, Oct 24, 2000 at 00:00

Tuesday, Oct 24, 2000 at 00:00
The Wet season affects all the roads north of Cairns.
The Bloomfield Track from Cape Trib to Bloomfieds opens and closes regularly. The creeks rise and fall rapidly after rain and the main creeks that stop you are Emergen and Woobooda. The Bloomfield Causeway can be flloded out for several days when high tides slow the floodwater run-off.
The main road from Cairns to Cooktown via Lakeland is sealed for much of the way and work is continuing. Generally this raod does not close for more than a few days except after cyclones. The area around Kings Plain and the McLoed River are the main wet spots
The road from Lakeland north via Laura and Coen gets cut after heavy rain. The road crosses the Laura River several times and although it is not running at the moment, heavy afternoon showers will cut the road for a couple of days - although this is rare in early December but common by late Jan / Feb.
North of Laura is a lottery depending on the rain. This year was very dry in Jan and the road was open, but Feb was one of the wettest on record and the road was out for much of Feb/March.
Once the Wenlock River at Moreton floods, that is it untill the end of May early June !!!!
AnswerID: 18

Reply By: Gary - Sunday, Nov 19, 2000 at 01:00

Sunday, Nov 19, 2000 at 01:00
A good camp site we often use is The Crystal Cascades (Big 4) campsite just outside Cairns city. In December you can get up to Cooktown and most of the developmental road is passable.We wouldnt venture further in December. The storms have been around the cape for the last 4 weeks
AnswerID: 34

Reply By: Rob - Saturday, Dec 02, 2000 at 01:00

Saturday, Dec 02, 2000 at 01:00
Joseph, Dave and Barry are all correct in what they say about our Green Season. December can be a very unpredictable time up here in the Tropics but hey, doesnt that just add to the adventure ?
Even tho the dirt road tracks may be off limits Cairns and the Tablelands area have some fantasic waterfalls and camping areas available without even having to go offroad and the best time to see the rainforest is when its wet, everything comes alive. A trip to Cairns at anytime is a wonderful experience.
Cheers Rob
Cairns Offroad Training & Tours

AnswerID: 56

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