Comment: bird photography on the road

In regards to your question about resizing we only do an initial resize on upload to 1920x1080 at this stage and then resize from this for output depending on where it is being shown. I have been thinking of increasing this spec but for the general output on computer or devices screens up to HD presentation has been more than enough. When you click on the popup view we are rendering to 800x600 for the pop up but we can go bigger and maybe it is time to adjust this also.
Hope this answers some of your questions. I am also looking at this discussion to see if there should be any issues with you uploading. Can you tell me do you use the remember me for your password or are you logging in with Facebook?
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025

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Reply By: ExplorOz - David & Michelle - Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 19:04

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 19:04

One more thought just came to mind, If you use the blogs via email system we do not resize the upload however we have a 25MB limit on the email you send and really you should stay under 10MB to be sure it will work but you can simply send your blog updates to blogs at and put the blog title in the subject write some words in the text part and attach your images. The system will then add this within 30mins directly from your email when you are back in service.

I use this system all the time and just sent our Penguin Island blog in via the email service. The best part is you can compose the emails when you are out of service on your device and hit send and they will be queued to be sent when you get back in service. The email extraction will put in the sent date as the blog date so they will be loaded in the exact order you email based on the send date.

When we travel which is not often enough I send a blog each day with a pic or two or the days activities and write up of what was done even if we are out of service and then like magic when we re-appear boom all the blogs get published.

Hope this helps your usage of the system - you can send a test email blog if you want at any stage as you can simply delete it.

David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Currently Mapping in the Field Across Australia Fulltime in 2023 - 2025

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AnswerID: 552819

Follow Up By: Member - Jim B8 - Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 19:31

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 19:31
thanks, will try this if files are larger
FollowupID: 838499

Reply By: Member - Jim B8 - Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 19:13

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 19:13
thanks for the reply, I use "remember me", don't use Facebook at all. Resolution is an issue, but probably limited to some, not the masses? With Flickr, the log in is thru Google/Yahoo, so yes, log ons, browsers, are a drama. I use IE for general net activity, and Chrome for Flickr, it seems aligned that way. I an flexy as to browser.
As far as size of images, most of mine are 25M for a non-cropped, and in .jpg when loaded. Yes, screen size and resolution sorts out 90 percent od situations, flickr allows download of original file - so a user select situation, view it as is, or download - hope that helps. A lot of users - especially Facebook users just want a quick look and don't need hi res? Don't mean to speak poorly of them ha ha?
Opinion? higher res to pop up, (1080p) and consider an album for photographers?, Bulk copy service - transfer for fee?? Pay per album? Remember user speed (Flickr is slow as server is overseas) User response to blog ratings? (great to thank people who rate the blog) Just suggestions.
And thanks again.
AnswerID: 552820

Follow Up By: Australian Landscape Jewellery - Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 21:47

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015 at 21:47
Hi Jim and David and Michelle. Travel photography is also my thing. While I was a member for many years, I almost never posted photos. Having become a business member, I am doing it regularly.
Jim, very happy to talk gear and techniques for when travelling. I used to use Fastone and really liked it. Especially at the price. I swapped over to an ultrabook computer and now have the speed and grunt to keep Lightroom and Photoshop with me as I travel. I find this more convenient as I can do all the downloading,sorting and cataloguing as I go and then just combine the catalogues into my main computer when I get home. I hated trawling through hundreds of shots after I returned so this works for me.
While I love birdwatching, I vary rarely shoot them. Not sure why, probably because I wasn't prepared to get long fast glass.
Any thoughts on the new Lightroom just released? I really want to avoid "cloud " programs and the Adobe pricing is sure pushing us that way. Especially when I am miles out of town, I don't want to be relying on the cloud for my programs and storage.
David, I have another discussion going with you re changes in colour when I download to my blog. I just can't see how this can happen. I am wondering whether some sort of profiling might get applied with the current resizing? Seems unlikely however.
FollowupID: 838507

Follow Up By: Member - Jim B8 - Saturday, Apr 25, 2015 at 14:15

Saturday, Apr 25, 2015 at 14:15
Aust Landscape Jewelery
The new PS is very good, they don't point out that the cloud is simply another option, local storage is the default. I hesitated for ages, then bit the bullet, a small monthly fee, and it is perfect. I use 2 x 2 gig external hard drives, shoot in Raw, view in Fastone, choose the best ones, then open in PS, alter, then Save As a .jpg. Once home, I transfer the files onto 2 x mass storage devices, one raid 10, the other Raid 0 (from memory)
I bought Lightroom, hated it, and eventually deleted it. It was a take over merchant, wanted to import, and database everything. You have to import before you can see anything, whereas PS can open a file in the middle of the mob, so to speak.
Definitely recommend the new PS, totally hassel free
FollowupID: 838636

Follow Up By: Australian Landscape Jewellery - Saturday, Apr 25, 2015 at 16:06

Saturday, Apr 25, 2015 at 16:06
I certainly like PS. Quite happy with LR as well once I get it sorted. I find I can view everything before I download however. When I put in a card loaded with images, thumbnail jpegs of all of them show in the grid view. I just select those I want to download into LR. I also quite like the way LR immediately knows and tells me if any of the shots I am going to import are duplicates of existing shots. I am very pleased tpo see that the new LR wil enable me to stitch panoramas when the individual shots have been taken in RAW. That will save me a lot of mucking about, especially when I am travelling.
My biggest fear is that as LR doesn't save altered images, if Adobe ever puts up prices too far for the CC version or dies something else and I want to leave Adobe, all the work I have done on images will vanish, I'll just be left with the original files. Adobe say they wont do this and if a user decides to stay at a particular point with LR, they will retain this if they don't wish to continue with the subscription. A leap of faith.
FollowupID: 838639

Reply By: GarryR - Thursday, Apr 23, 2015 at 16:27

Thursday, Apr 23, 2015 at 16:27
resizing your photos to 1920x1080 is ok but you should also consider your file size as this could be a problem. I take all my photos in a format called RAW which is a large file size up to about 24mb per photo image, hence I must then convert to a format called jpep which will reduce my file size to about 3-5mb as a jpeg photo image, still too large to email down the line. To do this I then have to reduce the photo jpeg file size to 67kb which cannot be reproduced to print but still a good copy for people to view on the computer. Hope this helps
location - Warragul -Victoria
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AnswerID: 552843

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