Canning Stock Route - CSR Towing Trailer

Could someone give me a categorical answer or refer me to a recent authorative source:-

What – Is there any legal or practical reason stopping me from travelling the Canning Stock Route (S to N) with an off-road trailer ?

Why - I am in Victoria and returning to Perth to pick up my custom designed/engineered twin-axle 4WD off-road trailer and I want to then travel the CSR to return to the Kimberley and up to the Mitchell Plateau.

I have read extracts saying that vehicles towing trailers are not allowed and will be turned back (eg OZ Trek Notes “If traveling with a trailer, you will not be allowed to travel the section of the CSR track north of Wiluna through to Well 5. If you do, you will be turned back at Well 2a” ) but I have also been reading numerous other sources about and viewing photos of vehicles with trailers traversing CSR (including OZ Forums).

So I am utterly confused ....
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