Friday, Sep 05, 2014 at 17:17
Hi Mike,
Just following up on the comments below.
You will encounter a lot of these

road train - over 50m long
about 50m long. Not mad drivers, just very big with a lot of momentum, meaning smaller vehicles make way for them - which may mean moving off the bitumen if the road is narrow, which it is in
Suggest you go through the
places section of this site, including the weather section to get a better idea of the conditons you will face. Many overseas visitors underestimate both the distances and the heat here, and most of us "southerners" dont go north during the summer months (even in airconditioned vehicles) because its just too hot and humid. If you can find a garden hothouse where the temperature is in the high 30s and the humidity close to 100% spend a couple of hours inside then imagine spending all day for a few weeks in such conditions.
I cant really see much advantage going clockwise - that would put you going across the Nullarbor in January, again not a pleasant prospect.
I understand and respect why you have chosen your dates, but if there is any way that you could change them you would probably have a more enjoyable trip. I think the ideal time would be to leave
Perth about early April going anticlockwise - puts you though the SE part of the country before it gets cold, then go north as the winter and dry season sets in. You would be back in
Perth early July but as you would be following the coast going south it shouldn't be too cold. Just a thought.
| J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein
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