Camps in "Places" ??

Last weekend, +1 and I went for a long weekend trip to Dorrigo.
As you'd expect, I checked out ExplorOz for potential caravan parks to stay at for a couple days while we did a bushwalk/photography excursion in the National Park.
As you'd NOT expect, I did not find a single Caravan Park listed there! What? Is the closest one Armidale?

In the end, we found (through another booking site - shameful, I know! but, hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!) the Dorrigo Mountain Resort & Caravan Park, located not 1 km from the turnoff to the Nat Park.
The entrance is located at -30.350522°S 152.716329°E and the proprietor (a helpful soul) is happy to have a chat, talk about the things to do, places to see around Dorrigo.

I note, also, that the Camps book does not mention this place, but it has been around for some time! We tried to book through Turu (at http:/ but got no response - on phoning, he has stopped his account there but they still had his link.

Trap for the unwary, that! You send the agency an email, get no response. Do you assume they are OK, or do you ring to check? Lucky we rang to check and he was OK. But, imagine turning up with intention of 3 nights stay to be told "sorry, all booked out for the week". That'd be a PITA!
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