CSR weather conditions

Submitted: Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 15:49
ThreadID: 103079 Views:1633 Replies:4 FollowUps:2
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hi folks, does anyone know if the rainup there has affected the track. we are from NSW and will be leaving Wiluna about the 24/25 July. thank you Gary R3

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Reply By: Danna - Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 20:53

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2013 at 20:53
Hi GaryR3
We went in middle of last month on first 5 wells from Wiluna and back (just to have a look how it looks after our travel 6years ago).
CSR is actually in quite bad condition from heavy rains. Some parts were so, you have to make your own truck as the original "road" is washed a way. You may even go detour on track around Lake Disappointment and some other detours.
If you planing to go all the way, it may take lot, lot longer than it normally would!
But it is THE Canning and no one should be in hurry from there....it is just way to beautiful to rush it!

Cheers Dana
AnswerID: 514228

Reply By: Gary R3 - Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 17:16

Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 17:16
Hi Dana, Hi Dana ,Thanks for your reply.We are going to do the whole lot. It will be about 5 weeks when we get there ,since you were there so I hope that it has dried out by then.Anyway we will see when we get there.Thanks again. Cheers Gary R3

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AnswerID: 514272

Reply By: Member - John Baas (WA) - Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 21:51

Thursday, Jul 04, 2013 at 21:51
Hi Gary.

We recently went down from the north to W33, reaching W33 on 21 June. We had heard from a sth to nth party that the Talawana out to Newman (which was our plan) was problematical at Georgia bore due to rains a month ago. So we decided to exit west to Marble Bar directly from W33. However they said the the CSR itself wasn't an issue at that point.

Just before leaving W33, we were informed by a party of bore contractors that a major weather event was on its way. So we scuttled out and just sth of Newman it started to rain. Given the dumps that followed I am confident we made the right decision.

Our experience was that the track down to W33 was easy but Lake Tobin looked like it had been difficult at the nth edges. Probably it would have become very difficult a week ago.

Travellers coming nth were reporting that the Wiluna end had been difficult (three weeks ago) but that there had been no probs since - however that may have changed subsequently.

My guess is that, if no more rains, you'll be fine latish July.

AnswerID: 514290

Follow Up By: Gary R3 - Monday, Jul 08, 2013 at 17:23

Monday, Jul 08, 2013 at 17:23
Hi John.
Thank you for the information.Sounds like it might be alright by the time we get there as long as there's no more rain.Anyhow we will find out when we get over there.
Gary R3

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Reply By: Member - KeithG (WA) - Saturday, Jul 13, 2013 at 17:08

Saturday, Jul 13, 2013 at 17:08
Hi Gary
We did the CSR in June this year. Aimed to start at Wiluna and go North. It was pouring with rain when got there on 3rd June and started sliding all over the place on the track to North Pool (I have AT tyres not Muddies) so we decided to go round to the North and head South. Rained all the way to Halls Creek (7th June) and the cleared. Ground was wet going south and met a Prado returning from Breaden Pool area saying he couldn't get to Well 48. Yes, it was muddy and we could see where he bogged so we went a bit west of the track without any trouble. Other than that there were no issues with the wet till we got to Lake Aerodrome (when it started raining again) where we did get bogged (Landcruiser and Prado) and were most grateful for some help from a couple of Victorians who helped get us out (Maxtrax and tow with snap straps). The lesson was "Stick to the Track". Going further south (ie Wells 12 to 2) it was very wet and raining. Sections of the track were totally covered with water for long sections. If you left the track you'd be skidding all over the place and risked getting bogged again so do stick to the track where ever possible. Most of the water dries out very quickly anyway (24 -48 hrs) in the sun. You'll have a ball and I agree don't rush it. I doubt if you'll have any problems and there's always someone else on the route.

AnswerID: 514744

Follow Up By: Gary R3 - Sunday, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:06

Sunday, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:06
Hi Keith
Thank you for the advice "Stick to the Track".We'll be in Wiluna 24/25 July looking forward to the trip. Anyway back to the packing.

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