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At Breaden
Pool the track ends with a small turning circle at base of rocks. You must then take a 3 minute walk until you actually reach
the pool. In the dry season it is almost empty but would be a fantastic
waterhole when full. The Breadon
Pool campsite is full of bulldust. There is no firewood, but lots of burnt out spinifex.
Godfrey Tank (
gorge) is also just an easy 15min walk away. Here you will find many engravings of drovers and also Cannings marks, which are carved into the stone.
camp area is
well grassed but there is no firewood available so like most of the camps along the way, be prepared and bring your own. To reach Godfrey Tank, head in the opposite direction from the car park. A short distance to the west you will see a cairn on top of the low
bluff. This is the starting point and it is a 15 minute stroll along another
well worn path marked by