Musing....& a question....

Submitted: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 17:40
ThreadID: 102207 Views:2045 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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The Wake for my dear departed Finch went well...for a while...I had downed 6 Olds &
was feeling no pain....Then read Davids lament on his Old drinking days & dropped a few more in his honour. It all went a bit pear shaped after that ...thanks, David.
But the old bod duly recovered & the mind moved onto more pressing duties...
I would welcome input from any recent travellers on the following roads between...Bourke..Wanaaring..
Tibooburra..Cameron Corner & Innaminka via Merty Merty.
Jack towing an offroad Gazal van.
Throw in the Donohue & Plenty as well, if you have been there. I thank you..
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Reply By: den57 - Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 08:20

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 08:20
Hi Old Baz, we came through Burke to Wanaaring a week ago and Provided you are prepared to slow down it's ok. After the first 15 k of dirt we had serious thoughts about doing this road but then settled into the routine of 2 nd gear travel on corrugations , slowing down for the bulldust , being slowed down by the sandy ridges, but no problems. The van had a mind of its own as to where it wanted to travel on the sand but no dramas.
Plenty of yellow belly jumping in the Paroo river and out at King Charles water hole at Wanaaring. Stayed in the park at the servo for $20 per night on power.
From there to Tibooburra the road is pretty good with only one section that I recall getting down to 2 nd for a stony ridge. Kangaroos were not much of a problem but watch out for the free range chickens out this way. Must have been a very good breeding season last year.
Fuel at Tibooburra was $1.67 .9 for diesel which we thought was good.
We are towing a 3.5 ton Kedron but didn't need 4 wd at any stage.
The main thing is to slow down on the first section.
Headed out to Cameron cnr today but won't be able to post a report for a week or two.
Safe travels,
Den and Col
AnswerID: 511078

Follow Up By: den57 - Sunday, May 19, 2013 at 21:05

Sunday, May 19, 2013 at 21:05
Hi Old Baz, The road from Tibooburra thru to the old Strezlecki track was reasonable, that is to say a lot of third gear and some second gear work. There was some sandy patches but at no stages did I need 4 wd. The corrugation can be a pain at times and does slow you down, the sand dunes when headed west are bout every 500 mtrs but not a problem. Main thing is to keep well to the left on the crests. The old Strezlecki track was a dream. Mainly black soil so some dust and some very mild corrugation. The new Strezlecki track which you can join for the last 50 k into into Innaminka was rather ordinary to say the least. A well formed road but used by heavy tpt. Innaminka to Birdsville today was good driving, via Walkers Crossing trac, but care has to be taken with reading signs and navigation. Would be very easy to miss a turn and head off into the blue yonder. Some cases you leave a very well formed road and head down a billy goat track, more than once, and it can lead to doubts, but keep heading for Walkers Crossing, which is a bridge over Cooper ck, dry at the moment, and you will certainly not be speeding on this track. There was some corrugation, some sandy patches, some black soil which means dry weather only, a lot of narrow track as in two wheel tracks and brush either side of the road but not a problem. Most of the track has very little traffic, that is to say we saw three cars in 5 hrs. The well formed road sections do carry heavy vehicles.
As I said before , we have a 19'6 ft Kedron and it wasn't a problem but the trip took 8 hrs with a couple of pit stops.
As with all roads, check with the locals before heading off on any roads out here.
Safe travelling everybody,
Den and Col
FollowupID: 789635

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