State or roads

Submitted: Friday, May 03, 2013 at 16:03
ThreadID: 101994 Views:1563 Replies:3 FollowUps:2
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Hi all. We are heading up north of WA soon. After leaving Karajini i am wanting to cut through to Marble Bar then through to Great Northern Highway and come out near Pardoo. Just wondering what the gravel roads are like through there. Is it easily accessible. And also can you still get through to Coral Bay from Exmouth via Yardie Creek.
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Reply By: disco driver - Friday, May 03, 2013 at 17:33

Friday, May 03, 2013 at 17:33
Gravel roads anywhere can be as good as blacktop if you are the first one through after the grader, rough and corrugated or impassible after heavy rains. Somewhere in that range is what you will find.
Unless the road is officially closed, one can get through by driving to the conditions. It may mean slowing down, dropping tyre pressures and taking more care.

Exmouth to Coral Bay via Yardie creek is not a place for inexperienced drivers. It depends on the state of the tide , high tide will certainly cause some problems but more vehicles get across than don't on low tides.

Hope this helps.


AnswerID: 510251

Follow Up By: AlanTH - Saturday, May 04, 2013 at 09:23

Saturday, May 04, 2013 at 09:23
Hi DnW.
You'll probably have no problems at all as the roads you'll be using are well used and maintained. All are well signposted so you can't go wrong.
From Marble Bar through to Pardoo GNH via the Yarrie, Muccan Shay Gap and Boreline Rd is very easy with good graded roads. Maybe a little soft in some parts of the Boreline Rd but nothing much.
Some great scenery through there.
We've done it a few times with and without our camper via Nullangine through to Skull Springs Rd, cross the Oakover and up the Ripon Hills Rd or after getting permission, through Warrawagine station.
Enjoy the trip.
FollowupID: 788376

Reply By: 08crd - Friday, May 03, 2013 at 20:41

Friday, May 03, 2013 at 20:41
Be aware most of W.A's NW gravel roads are not signposted. It is very easy to get bushed and once off the 'tourist' tracks vehicle traffic can be non existent.
Between Marble bar and the coast is right through the iron ore belt, there are lots of tracks that are nothing more than diamond drill exploration roads.
Make sure, if taking roads that are off the beaten track, that you are well prepared.
Let someone (who cares) know your plans, have 'good' maps and a gps. At the least carry a gps.
If you are well prepared it isn't a problem.

AnswerID: 510271

Follow Up By: 08crd - Friday, May 03, 2013 at 20:43

Friday, May 03, 2013 at 20:43
Meant to say, at the least carry an epirb.
FollowupID: 788354

Reply By: Member - Wozikev - Sunday, May 05, 2013 at 10:41

Sunday, May 05, 2013 at 10:41
My advice is to just be a bit wary. We headed out that road last June with a 4500 Patrol and 20 ft Roadstar van and overnighted just short of the end of the bitumen. Next morning we went to the end of the tar where we met an escort bringing two haul trucks out from FMG. We spoke with the escorts and they said the road was a shocker and doubted very much if we'd get out the other end with much left of the van. Then, as the trucks passed us, one driver held his hand out the window with his fingers crossed. I called him up and asked if it was 'really that bad' and he said he was on it pretty regularly and it was as bad as it gets and 'his van wouldn't be going over it'. We erred on the side of caution as there's just too many dollars tied up in a van these days to risk wrecking it. We had a cuppa to let the convoy get well ahead of us then back tracked to the highway and on to Auski and spent a few days playing about in Karajini, so we still had fun. We were a bit dissapointed coz it's a little bit of road in WA that we still haven't driven. However, we'll try again, because as with most of these roads, it's what you find at the time, and next time we might be a few days behind the grader.
How good would that be ! Don't laugh, we've jagged it before !
So my advice D and N is to just play it by ear and see what you find at the time. Hopefully you'll find it ok .......... have fun ............. Kev.
AnswerID: 510358

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