Rough time to travel 10000km

Submitted: Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 10:32
ThreadID: 101923 Views:2885 Replies:7 FollowUps:8
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Is 3months enough time to adequately travel 10,000km a.k.a. a half lap of Aus? I know it depends on how long spent in various parts but on a general basis?
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Reply By: Aussi Traveller - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:11

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:11
We do road trips most xmas school holidays we average 7 weeks, we average about 13000 km per trip.

We plan our trip to spend quality time at certain destinations, if we need to we can do up to 1000 km per day to reach the next, I understand this is not everyone's cup of coffee, but we enjoy our time together regardless.

Xmas 2012 we went from Mackay to Alice in 3 1/2 days, as we had been to most places on route before, this enabled us more time to do heaps around the area we hadn't done before, so the long drive days in between wasn't a problem to us.

So I would think 10000 km in three months you will have heaps of time, have fun and enjoy.

AnswerID: 509977

Follow Up By: steved58 - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:33

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:33
We did a half lap perth darwin alice uluru perth 7 weeks had a ball 3 months is plenty
Enjoy steve
FollowupID: 788018

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:34

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:34
Same here Phil more than 10k in much less than 3 months , and happy.


1/ on your mission objectives of course

2/ Your travel pace , some are hopeless and slow and only make up there minds what to buy at the supermarket when there inside , whilst others have done theirs and knitted a jumper while waiting.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 788019

Follow Up By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 17:19

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 17:19
Robin ! It sounds like you might be the efficient type! How much are the jumpers you knit?? :)) Medium size! Regards Michael
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

Retired 2016 and now Out and About!

Somewhere you want to explore ? There is no time like the present.

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FollowupID: 788031

Reply By: LeeJ - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 12:22

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 12:22
Great news! Everytime I look over my itinerary- I pick more places I'd like to visit! I wish I could afford more time- so many places to see, and I'm an eager beaver to see them all now!
AnswerID: 509979

Follow Up By: Member - eighty matey - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 23:39

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 23:39
You can't pick too many places. Keep learning about what's out there.

When you head off you'll know what's where and you can go and see what feels right.

Even when you're nowhere you're somewhere. I enjoy the driving as much as I enjoy getting somewhere because the scenery is generally so spectacular.

Problem is, when you get home you'll be constantly thinking of what's next and day dreaming about things you've least, that's my life.

Have fun,
FollowupID: 788055

Follow Up By: sweetwill - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 09:16

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 09:16
Eighty Matey.
Hear I was thinking that I was the only one who just liked to drive this country of ours, to some it is the destination to me it is the drive, to be on a road/track that I haven't been on before is a holiday to me.
FollowupID: 788067

Follow Up By: Member - eighty matey - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 18:46

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 18:46
Hey sweetwill,

you got it.

I might be weird but if I'm heading along a road out past Thargo, or heading to Birdsville, and I see a bit of a rise I can't wait to get up there and check out the view.

The scenery in so many places is spectacular. Often getting to a place is just the start of another journey.

Hoo roo,
FollowupID: 788107

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 14:03

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 14:03
Hi Lee,

Yes in general 3 months is OK to do 10,000km. For example our trip last year was about 12,000km and took 8 weeks - and we don't like to travel either fast or far and we stop whenever we see something interesting. But we do travel most days, maybe once a week we have a rest day somewhere. Have a look at some of our blogs to see what I mean - we have done a number of trips that have taken us 10,000km or more, each lasting 2 to 4 months.

We are east coast based so if doing a trip to WA there are 5 or 6thousand kms just getting there and back, and we do those relatively quickly, leaving more time for exploring closer to the main area that we want to visit. But you just have to bear in mind that you will not see everything there is to see, and to do that return visits will be required.


J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
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AnswerID: 509984

Reply By: olcoolone - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 14:51

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 14:51
It's one of those questions only you can answer and you should be the only one answering it!...... if you want to stop and camp for two to three weeks at a time then no it's not enough time but if you only want to stay for a few days then thats plenty of time.

If you average 100k per day every day then you will make it....... if you want to camp for three days at one spot every fourth day then you will have to cover 400k on that fourth day.....

AnswerID: 509985

Reply By: Member - J&R - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 16:54

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 16:54
As olcoolone has said, only you can realistically answer your own question. Many people enjoy racing from one site to another. Will you? There is a lot to see out there, and for me, 3 months to see half Australia is like a 60 second ride in a billycart. A Claytons experience.

But that distance is easy to do if you don't mind managing the stresses involved. Have you factored possible breakdown, medical issues and the like in, or are they non existent?

Or are you doing it in a Gulfstream?

AnswerID: 509991

Follow Up By: Member - eighty matey - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 18:53

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 18:53
G'day J&R,

most of our trips are like that, last big one was 13,00kms in 6 weeks. That was averaging about 300 kms a day but there were plenty of days we didn't do any travelling.

I can understand if you have the time why you wouldn't rush it but we haven't got the time.
Our trips aren't stressful and we have time to check out plenty but these are, more or less, reccys for when we have the time.

Hoo roo,
FollowupID: 788108

Reply By: kev.h - Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 17:25

Monday, Apr 29, 2013 at 17:25
Hi LeeJ
Grab a map roughly plot your trek then, mark all the things you want to see, allocate a time per place this will give you an idea of how many days will be spent sightseeing be sure to add a few extras for the unexpected, whats left is your driving time
Driving time is the hardest to estimate if its bitumen i allow average 80 to 90 k/h and dirt 70 k/h (this allows for a bit of slow traffic 60k zones etc) for 10000 k your driving time will be between 110 & 140 hrs driving give or take. Average 5/6 hrs per day (allows for short stops, sightseeing and setting up camp etc) you will spend 25 days driving the rest you can allocate to being a tourist ie 2 or 3 days in one place
This has always worked well for me and is the way i plan big trips
Cheers Kev
AnswerID: 509995

Reply By: The Landy - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 20:28

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 20:28
As many have said, it is more than enought time. You haven't said which way you are heading, or what you want to see or experience, so unsure if you have a plan or not. But here is the thing, head off with the intention of covering the distance if that is what you want to achieve, but be flexible enough to change that plan.

If you find a place you like and want to stay in for a while than that is what you should do...there is much to see, and you'll never know what you'll find, so be flexible!

Cheers...The Landy
AnswerID: 510062

Follow Up By: Member - John and Val - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 21:44

Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 at 21:44
Excellent advice, Landy. Its very easy to spoil a trip by overplanning.


J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
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FollowupID: 788122

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