Bungle Bungles and Jerry Cans

Submitted: Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 15:47
ThreadID: 101876 Views:2820 Replies:7 FollowUps:4
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Hi All,

We are heading to the Kimberly in June and July this year and will be spending a couple of nights at the Bungle Bungles. My question is are we better off spending both nights at either Kurrajong Campground or Walardi Campground (recommendations please) and doing a day trip to the other or spending one night at each?

Also just curious about best place to carry jerry cans, we will be hiring a camper trailer which has jerry can holders but have seen plenty of pics of people carrying the more squat jerry cans on their roof rack. Part of my dilema is once the 2nd spare is up on the roof rack (nowhere else to store it) there is very little room left as we don't have a massive roofrack but I could see a couple of those jerry cans fitting OK up there.

Thanks in advance.

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Reply By: Member - 2517. - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 16:12

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 16:12
If you camp at the free camp near the entrance and leave next morning allowing 3hrs to get there pay your fees and then go to either end do the walks ,then go to the end stay the night do the walks have helicopter ride and leave.You can buy fuel any where so why people need to cart fuel amazing me ,remember to wrap the cans in carpet with tape other wise they will rub in holes in them,
AnswerID: 509756

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 16:27

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 16:27
Hi Lloyd,

Take your time in the Bungles allowing time for sunset viewing as well as the walks around the beehives and in the northern section (Echidna chasm). Either campground is fine - they are national park type grounds with flushing loos and occasional firepits (if fires are still allowed). I dont see the point of taking the time to pack up from one campground and then set up in the other one. You need to drive to all the main attractions so better to spend the time driving to the attractions and then having time to really take them all in.

As for carrying fuel, its generally best to keep it off the roof-rack if you can to keep your centre of gravity as low as possible. It also takes a bit of effort to get them up there. If you have fuel carriers on your trailer why not use them? (having said that we do carry both spare wheel and fuel on our RR when necessary to do so).

Have a great trip,


J and V
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AnswerID: 509757

Follow Up By: Member - There Yet - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 17:58

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 17:58
I agree with Joh and Val,

Spent 3 nights camping in the north last year. One day for the north and one for the south. As far as the road to the south, it's not really any different from the trip in from the station or too the north.

You'll love it, enjoy.

Steve and Kerry
FollowupID: 787757

Follow Up By: Member - PJR (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 19:51

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 19:51
I agree with Val about the camping. We stayed in the camp ground closes to the entrance. Cannot recall its name.

Why do you need the extra fuel. It is readily available at Turkey Creek. Maybe it's for other areas in that case it is a dilemma. I refused to carry them inside and I do not like them on the roof. So we limited our trips accordingly. ie No Canning drives with the standard talks. That problem has been solved with long range tank and soon if needed a removable jerry can carrier for the rear bar. Haven't needed it yet.

FollowupID: 787767

Reply By: get outmore - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 16:49

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 16:49
Night at each. The north and south are considerably different and its quite rough between them so better to minimise the driving from one end to the other
AnswerID: 509759

Reply By: Motherhen - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 18:51

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 18:51
We did as get outmore suggests.

Getting there during the day we did some walks at the northern end and camped at Kurrajong, doing more walks early. The second night at Walardi to see the southern sections. We did walks early and late in the day as the days were too hot for strenuous walking. It cools down overnight, and first thing in the morning can be very cold. We got sort of three days touring out of two nights.

Do you really need to take extra fuel?


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 509767

Follow Up By: Lloyd W1 - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 19:24

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 19:24
Hi Motherhen,

Thanks for the info re: Bungle Bungles, in regards to fuel we may need it for one particular stretch (575kms) across the Tanami as the Pajero doesn't have the largest fuel capacity and depending on what fuel economy we get I don't want to be stranded. After that stretch we probably won't need it, I worked out our longest stretch after that on GRR will be approx.460kms.

FollowupID: 787765

Follow Up By: Alaska - Friday, Apr 26, 2013 at 22:27

Friday, Apr 26, 2013 at 22:27
Hi Lloyd,
I have the same concerns with a Jackaroo I have 4 Jerrys I am putting up top for the Tanami. I do not want them in with me and the other sections I can get away with 2.
FollowupID: 787879

Reply By: Member - Graeme W (NSW) - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 18:59

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 18:59
Hi Lloyd,

I've been there twice and both times I stayed at Kurrajong for the 2 or 3 nights. The reason for this was simply that it saved me having to set up twice. I didn't think that the drive between each end of the park was long enough or rough enough to worry about moving camps.

Lake Eyre 2011

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AnswerID: 509770

Reply By: Member - Judy and Laurie - Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 21:01

Thursday, Apr 25, 2013 at 21:01
Hi Lloyd,
Sounds like we are doing the same trip as you this year, visiting the Gibb river road, Broome, bungle bungles, and tanami rd to Alice , in june july. We are taking an extra jerry can as well as the ones on the camper, for the same reason .
Have a terrific trip , we may see you on the track somewhere
cheers Judy and Laurie
AnswerID: 509784

Reply By: Member - Darren M (VIC) - Friday, Apr 26, 2013 at 21:51

Friday, Apr 26, 2013 at 21:51
Hello Lloyd, my recollection from our travels to the Bungles late last year is that Kurrajong is generator free, we were able to have fires, stayed for three nights and just enjoyed the peace. You can book your campsite online through the Western Australian National Parks website. If you plan on picking up Booze from Kununurra you can only get heavy beer, wine and spirits after 2pm and can't buy take away booze from anywhere on a Sunday.
Enjoy your travels its a beautiful part of Australia.
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AnswerID: 509869

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