Trip recommendations

Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 at 21:44
ThreadID: 101837 Views:1990 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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Hi all,

I am starting to plan a trip for June and hoping for some new ideas. Some of the places I have on the plan to date... I've been there quite a bit before so I am sure others will have new ideas. I am broadly thinking of Syd - Flinders - Gammons / Arkaroola - Tiboburra - Sydney.
So for the first part of the trip I had thought... leave Sydney by midday Sat (thanks to sister having arranged Friday night in the city and assuming car is packed up except for water and perishables)... to Weddin Mountains - been here half a dozen times before at least but a good distance & I know how to find the campsite!
Night 2 - Cocoparra - woolshed flat?? I've never been here so keen to hear what it is like.
Night 3 - perhaps somewhere along the Murray. I don't mind starting early but prefer to be finished driving with time to relax or explore a bit. I've only stayed in this area 2 - 3 times before & can't remember exactly where - so any suggestions welcome. Last time was a New Year's Eve & was woken in the midldle of the night with a big thunderstorm heading our way! Fond memory, but would be more relaxing without the storm. The Camps 6 book has an almost endless list of campsites to choose from!
Night 4 - Wilpena - I already know this is further than I prefer to travel in a day. I have never seemed to manage to find a good campsite near Quorn. The places we did find (Mt Brown? for example, I am hopeless with names) were of doubtful legality & only fine because no one would have been able to tell we were, or had been, there.

Looking forward to some new ideas. Should mention I really prefer to avoid caravan parks and road side rest stops.
Ta in advance.
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Reply By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 at 21:56

Tuesday, Apr 23, 2013 at 21:56
Hi Vicki

Out from Quorn we chose Warren Gorge - lovely


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 509635

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 08:42

Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 08:42
Hi Vicki,

Without commenting on your itinerary so far, you don't say how you are travelling. If you are towing a big van you will be much more restricted in where you can go compared to if you are camping out of a single vehicle. (When attempting to answer a question like this I usually look for that kind of info in members profiles - but unfortunately its usually not there :-).) I am guessing that you are travelling in a more minimal sort of way (as we do) so the places that we have visited may be useful for you.

We have camped at some of the places that you mention and have posted numerous blogs - click here for a sample from our trip in 2011 and you might find it useful for ideas of where to go/stay.

A couple of observations - keeping a trip diary, even a brief one becomes a great resource when you are planning future trips. I have found it takes a bit of practice to write down the useful stuff and leave out the ephemera, but its a good way to get around trying to remember names, routes etc. Photos are a great memory aid too.

You say: "The places we did find (Mt Brown? for example, I am hopeless with names) were of doubtful legality & only fine because no one would have been able to tell we were, or had been, there." We frequently camp in situations that would meet that description, especially when inland. Providing you are not obviously on private property (ie having gone through gates etc), and there are no signs to say you cant, and you can get well off the road out of site, then for an overnight stay I doubt that there is a problem. Be very careful with fire and dont leave any rubbish. There are many such spots along the roads especially away from the coast - they dont show up in any free camps guide but you can tell from firepits etc (and sadly sometimes rubbish) that such spots do get a lot of use. If you are towing a big rig you may not be able to get in to many such spots, but they work very well for one or two vehicles with maybe a small trailer. As we travel we keep an eye out or likely spots, and over time have become pretty good at finding them.

As to your specific spots - there are some nice spots along the Murray but there are also quite a few free camps along the Murrumbidgee that are good for overnighters - though the Murrumbidgee is not as nice a river as the Murray. We were disappointed with the camping arrangements at Arkaroola, as it was very expensive for what seemed like a pretty ordinary camping area (but I do think that the young overseas backpacker who was working in the office when we arrived there didnt know what was available either). There are many top National Park camping spots in the Flinders for a quite modest fee.


J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
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AnswerID: 509646

Follow Up By: Member - VickiW - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 22:12

Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 22:12
Thanks Val.

You're correct that I do have a minimalist approach to camping - just car and swag (ok to be honest lots of other stuff - just the sleeping arrangement is modest). You make a good suggestion re trip diaries; I kept them intermittently for years but have lost them. Funny that now that I do the planning I remember the places / names perfectly! And when the ex left he took the computer with all of our pictures - they will be a settlement condition!

As for Arkaroola - I haven't yet decided how much time to spend between the Gammons & Arkaroola. I love the Gammons and really enjoyed Arkaroola 3 years ago - it will also be a good opportunity for a dinner out & a shower (as well as a nice drive).

I love those unofficial places to camp - although now I travel alone I may not get these places much - a promise to my mother that I will always camp where there are other people around!
Thanks again.
FollowupID: 787683

Reply By: Kilcowera Station Stay - Friday, Apr 26, 2013 at 05:57

Friday, Apr 26, 2013 at 05:57
You could look up the Outback Beds network and see if any of their places suit you, there are also lots of Station Stays in the Flinders and beyond. Cheers Toni
AnswerID: 509798

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