Submitted: Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 16:12
ThreadID: 101697 Views:3430 Replies:13 FollowUps:10
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Hi there, just need to spread the word on common sense beach driving.
Whilst camping during Easter at Pt Plomer, we witnessed first hand how many idiots there are out there driving on the beach. Due to heavy beach erosion washing a vast majority of the sand away, it left a 6 foot drop from where the beach used to be and where you now can drive, which limits the amount of actual beach to drive on and in some sections it was only around 10 meters from the water to the bank. I had my 3 year old son with me and approx only 20-30% of drivers slowed down to a safe speed whilst passing us with such small distance between us and the car. One d@#k head doing 60-80 kms even clipped my rod holder that was in the sand (suzuki sierra with P plates). Due to the undulating beach , my young bloke couldnt see the cars coming as early as I could and kids being kids it was quite stressful to the point it wasnt worth fishing. I just thought it was common sense to slow down a bit whilst passing so close and especially with kids around.
To the guy in the range rover, I apologise for my young bloke running out in front of you, he just had to get to his packet of tiny teddies that were on the tailgate, but if you werent doing 80km/h it wouldnt have been so bad , did you really need to blast the horn so much and give us a mouthful of abuse ?? Also have to say it wasnt just the young ones that were the culprits either. Both young, old and in between.
The amount of people that were bogged trying to exit the beach leads me to believe that common sense must be dwindling away. Can we have a snatch out some of these same speeding culprits asked, they got upset when I sad no and told them to let there tyres down, and drove around them and straight up the bank.
Any way, Ive had my whinge now, happy cruising to all.
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Reply By: olcoolone - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 17:08

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 17:08
Were these people driving on a visible track or just anywhere on the beach?
AnswerID: 509010

Follow Up By: edwin - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 20:36

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 20:36
Due to the spring tides and beach erosion there wasnt much beach to drive on so they had no choice but to pass close to us, you could only access the beach 1 1/2 hours either side of the low tide.
FollowupID: 786652

Follow Up By: olcoolone - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 07:28

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 07:28
Seeing the people driving past you had not much choice but to drive close to where you were fishing it might of made more sense to move you and your family away from the danger..... yes I know it's your right to be there and yes they should slow down.

We had a similar thing down the Corong 3 years ago where 4 people decided to set up camp on an eroded part of the beach forcing everyone driving to take a different route of the main track into soft sand...... they could've moved another 20mts up the beach to a better area.

So who is to blame.... you not wanting to move away from a known danger or the people causing the danger.
FollowupID: 786689

Reply By: Member - Rosco from way back - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 17:31

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 17:31
I know where you're coming from cobber. The number of mental dwarfs and total retards you encounter on the beach never ceases to amaze me.

Common sense says slow down but then again this is the substance generally found missing.
AnswerID: 509015

Reply By: allein m - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 17:58

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 17:58
I do not think basic common sense is part of learning to drive these days judging from what I have seen in the past not sure why
AnswerID: 509017

Follow Up By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 19:38

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 19:38
It's evolution at work. The idiots in the past thinned themselves out and the latest lot will do the same. Unfortunately both lots take others with them.
Apart from that, I don't think anyone should be driving on beaches.
FollowupID: 786641

Reply By: Gotlost - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 19:48

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 19:48
i live in Exmouth, have just got home from fishing out from Bundegi, on the right side of the boat ramp at Bundegi is a fella bogged to the axles in a Hilux i think it is, i said to my mate why would u drive along that stretch of beach when the sand there is as sloppy as mud, he did not have his tyres down, as far as im concerned he got wot he deserved.

AnswerID: 509027

Reply By: Batt's - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 19:50

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 19:50
I always slow down especially when kids are around most of the time back to first gear depending how close some idiots insist on park right next to the main tracks being used instead of giving themself a buffer zone. I ran over a fishing rod that a fellow left laying on the beach unattended because I was watching that one of his kids didn't run in front of me on a very narrow section which he shouldn't have been any where near.
AnswerID: 509028

Reply By: Member - VickiW - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 20:36

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 20:36
Hi Edwin, sounds like you had a stressful break. I've given up going away on long weekends for the same reason and the crowds. We spent one Easter at Bendethera Valley & although it was generally fine during the day I was quite worried hearing the 4wds driving around at night - worried some drunk would run over the tent!
AnswerID: 509032

Follow Up By: edwin - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 20:40

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 20:40
Hi Vicki, no it was a great break, just a pity about the fishing side of things.
About 10 years ago a mate of mine was run over by a group of drunks, he was in his swag fast asleep and got dragged some distance and then got stuck under the truck. Apart from the physical injuries, he suffered mentally as well, hasnt been the same since.
FollowupID: 786655

Reply By: mikehzz - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 21:16

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 21:16
Speaking of common sense, I must ask....Why did you stop, fish and let the little fella play in a narrow stretch of sand where idiots were driving?
AnswerID: 509036

Follow Up By: edwin - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 21:55

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 21:55
Before you start attacking me mike,
I was the first car on the beach, found a good spot for a quick fish, the young bloke wasnt playing on the runway, he was with me fishing at the water. You dont expect people to speed past you when theres not much room, as Ive said before there was massive beach erosion and full moon/spring tides so not much beach left at all. I presume you dont have kids, he understands crossing the road but at 3 and being on the beach is different. It is common courtesy to slow down when approaching people at close range. The suzuki was flying and all over the place due to the sand being so soft and no tracks,he clipped my rod holder, there was approx 10 metres to drive thru but he still managed to nearly take us out, if thats not stupity I dont know what is. Speaking of common sense, I was relying on other people having it, silly me We didnt stay long after the highway opened, we moved on but I think you've missed the point of the post.
FollowupID: 786668

Follow Up By: mikehzz - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 22:06

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 22:06
I have kids and was a bit floored by your comment about your 3 year old not being able to see the cars coming due to the undulations. Holy crap. I'm pretty sure that also means the cars can't see him either. I'm not defending the others either by the way...they should be slowing down and giving a wide berth. But from your description of the situation it seemed that there was common sense missing everywhere. I would take notice if someone gives you a prolonged blast and yells abuse because they have almost killed your 3 year old no matter what the circumstances. The child shouldn't be in that situation even if it is for tiny teddys.
FollowupID: 786672

Follow Up By: Tim - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 22:55

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 22:55
Well said. I was thinking the same thing when i was reading the post.
FollowupID: 786683

Follow Up By: edwin - Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 23:00

Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 at 23:00
Let me clarify , my son ran out but I stopped him in time so he wasnt going to be hit ,the fact that the guy driving the range rover had to actually reduce speed right down was the reason for the abuse, if he was going slow in the first place none of it would have happened.I could see for a few kms either way up and down the beach, so assumed I could be seen yet people still approached with speed even when in full view of both of us, Ive just moved from a small Nth Qld town and didnt realise people did this, so yes stupid stupid me, we only stayed 15 mins or so before I realised this must be the norm for city folk and got out of there.
If I had blocked the beach with my gear I would expect it to be hit and run over as well, but this wasnt the case, I was parked hard against the bank and left as much gap as possible without being up to my waist in water.
By the way the fishing was great in the 15 minutes we were there. have you ever tried getting the hook out of a 38cm bream with cars doing this to you.hence the reason we got the hell outa there.Its just not worth the risk. I guess you just had to be there at the time.
FollowupID: 786684

Reply By: Member - kym111 (WA) - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 00:34

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 00:34
Hi Edwin
I live in a coastal town in WA, and enjoy using the local beach. I have kids and we enjoy swimming and fishing at various times of the year.

We have found the majority of beach users are respectful of other users and travel sedately (it is a very popular family beach in summer), yet others seem to think they own the place, and can go as fast as they like. My kids are 6 & 8, and I still watch out for these hoons, regardless of where we are on the beach. It could be flat for miles, undulating or around the corner of a sand dune.

The best thing you can do is teach your young bloke to be careful, and always be on the watch for traffic. The beach is still covered by the road rules, and in WA apparently has a speed limit of 40kmh.

Good on you for refusing to pull them out, I would have been less polite and probably given a 'salute'!!

AnswerID: 509046

Follow Up By: graham B9 - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 06:56

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 06:56
You must have been living there for a a while to get this number plate
FollowupID: 786687

Reply By: allein m - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:39

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:39
sadly i just saw what you were talking about idiots and dangerous driving in on the news a person is killed by some idiot speeding in suburbia streets in Perth some where from what little I can gather the driver has been charged with murder or manslaughter not sure but it is so so sad to see
AnswerID: 509066

Reply By: Hairy (NT) - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 12:17

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 12:17
I doesnt matter where you go thee days mate, you will come across idiots.
You will also find people who are too scared to slow down or move off the track as they are worried about getting bogged.
In saying that I wouldnt let my kids out to play on a beach in the conditions I picture from your description...........doesnt sound like the ideal playground for a 3 yr old even if they did slow down?

AnswerID: 509067

Reply By: Member - John and Val - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 12:35

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 12:35
Hi Edwin,

A look at the website of the Port Macquarie - Hastings Council - vehicles on beaches section - makes interesting reading. Among a lot of other info it includes the following:

"Maximum Speed

A speed limit of 50 km/h applies and vehicles are required to slow to a speed of not more than 25 km/h when within 100 metres of people on beaches.

Right-Of Way

Beach users have right-of-way over motor vehicles at all times and motor vehicles must be kept at a reasonable and safe distance from other beach users. "

You can have a look at the whole page here

I guess what your experience shows is that no matter how many regulations there are, they are only as good as the enforcement of them - and all too often that is non-existant. You have 2 choices - either take note of rego numbers and report the offenders, or walk away and go to a quieter place, if you can find one on the east coast. Where the safety of your children is concerned unfortunately you can't rely on others to abide by the rules or to use common sense.


J and V
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AnswerID: 509069

Reply By: coonick - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 16:14

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 16:14
I understand your frustration with IDIOTS speeding on any beach.
There is no need....SIMPLE AS THAT !!!!!!
wheather you drive a 40 year old 4wd or a plastic 200 LC you must follow rules.
A great example is Goolwa beach in South aust.
At low tide there is a vast expanse of beach with the best place for cars to drive is high up on the top 3rd of the sand towards the dunes. This leaves the rest of the beach safe.
But obviously I am one of the few that practice this method as many park right up on the hot dry sand where all the flies are, not where I do on the wet sand wehere it is cool. obviously logic doesn't thrive ....
When I go down there for the day I park my car as close as I can to the water, allowing for waves and move my car gradually as the tide comes in. Not always possible due to size of wash, but most times it works fr me.
This allows my kids to play safely, and not having to run the width of the beach. however you still get retards trying to squeeze through the narrow safe area I have created, these drop kicks often speed through a t 60 kmh +. The day will come when one of these oxygen thieves will end up on the rough end of a hiding.
Honestly many of these beaches have set speed limits, you go to these beaches to relax and get away from the hussle and bussle. WHY and I mean WHY in a big way do these braindeads insist on ruining it.
AnswerID: 509081

Reply By: Trevor G - Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 19:43

Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 19:43
I have lived near the beach all my life and I must say some 4wd drivers disengage there brains when they engage 4wd. The beach is the same as the highway. A cut out is like double yellow lines with no parking. Beach Users just have to use their brains. Don't park near a cut out in the beach, don't park near the waters edge. Take control of your kids, you wouldn't let your kids play near or on a highway.

Don't think of it as a beach think of it as a road and be aware of what's goin on. Plan plan plan don't plan to drive at high tide and at Easter it's some of the biggest tides of the year.

No one wants to run over anything or anyone.
AnswerID: 509093

Follow Up By: coonick - Wednesday, Apr 17, 2013 at 21:46

Wednesday, Apr 17, 2013 at 21:46
what do you mean don't park near the waters edge ??
There is nothing wrong with doing that !!!
sometimes that's the best and safest place as in my situation.
FollowupID: 787006

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