![Arden Hills Self Drive 4X4 will test both Driver & Vehicle]()
Arden Hills Self Drive 4X4 will test both Driver & Vehicle
Just north of the small southern
Flinders Ranges town of
Quorn in South Australia is one four wheel drive track that does not get a mention very often, but should be on all serious four wheel drivers bucket lists to do, and is known as “Arden Hills Self Drive 4WD Track”.
The Stokes family have run Arden Hills for over 100 years and Graham and Inge Stokes are the fourth generation to own Arden Hills property, which is solely used as sheep grazing and breeding country. Around 10 years ago they though about diversifying and opened up their station to the public and offer a serious low rage challenge that will
test both vehicle and driver and is not for the faint hearted.
To Gain access to this private track through a
locked gate in
Warren Gorge, will require all drivers to register and pay the very small fee at the
Flinders Ranges Visitor Information Centre,
Quorn Railway Station,
Quorn, who can be contacted on 08 8648 6419 or 1800 220 980.
![Starting point for the Arden Hills Self Drive 4X4 Track]()
Starting point for the Arden Hills Self Drive 4X4 Track
![This is the access gate that is locked at all times]()
This is the access gate that is locked at all times
The drive out of
Quorn is on the Arden Vale Road that is bituminised all the way to the turn off into
Warren Gorge. For anyone that has never visited this area before, it is
well worth the time to stop and explore
the Gorge, and if you are lucky, you may see one of the elusive and shy Yellow Footed
Rock Wallabies that are found in the rocky crags of
the gorge.
![Yellow Tailed Rocky Wallaby]()
Yellow Tailed Rocky Wallaby
In December last year, I received an email from a fellow EO Member that lives in
Quorn and asked if Fiona and I would be interested in going along for the drive. With our love of the Flinders it did not take a second thought and I was on the phone to Graham to say yes and get a few more details.The day was to coincide when a fellow EO Members that was coming down from Queensland to see Graham and Maxine again and the extra company would have been great. Unfortunately due to health issues, Kevin had to postpone his March visit until later in the year, but Graham said that the drive will go ahead since he had already asked Fiona and I along for the day.
Once you arrive at the
locked gate, you venture will begin and for the first few minutes will find you traveling on the very
well defined station track and the moment that your vehicle starts to face uphill, it is time to engage your hubs if they are manual and select low range gearing. Another challenge is that the track has not seen any maintenance for some time and added with last Septembers very heavy rains, has caused a number of very deep wash aways that are impossible to drive through.
![The very start of the Arden Hills Self Drive]()
The very start of the Arden Hills Self Drive
![The Grass Trees start very early into the drive]()
The Grass Trees start very early into the drive
![To think that we will eventually be driving on top of that ridge line]()
To think that we will eventually be driving on top of that ridge line
![We are still not into the steep country yet]()
We are still not into the steep country yet
![The Black Boys come in many shapes and sizes]()
The Black Boys come in many shapes and sizes
![This is low range country]()
This is low range country
![Still a very long way from the top, but stopping to admire the views]()
Still a very long way from the top, but stopping to admire the views
![The scenery just keeps getting better the higher you climb]()
The scenery just keeps getting better the higher you climb
![The scenery just keeps getting better the higher you climb]()
The scenery just keeps getting better the higher you climb
The lack of major tall vegetation, with the exception of the grass trees - Xanthorrhoea quadrangular gives you unreal
views in all directions as you slowly crawl higher and higher, with numerous photo stops to stop and capture the magnificent country that you are travelling through. Around half way through the drive and still on the assent is the first feature of the drive in the form of a small and simple memorial to a valued friend and mate of the Stokes family. “Stretch” as he was know was so touched by beauty of these hills that when on his last days as he was stricken with terminal cancer, made one of his last requests, to have his ashes spread near one of his favourite
places. The memorial consists of a small piece of local marble that was once mined on the property and a small
plaque and a now very weathered pair of his old “RM’s” boots. The Stokes families only request is to respect this final
resting place, and as you look around the area, ponder the effect that this special spot had on Stretch.
![Stretch Memorial]()
Stretch Memorial
![Stretch Memorial]()
Stretch Memorial
![Mount Arden from Stretch Memorial]()
Mount Arden from Stretch Memorial
![Views from Stretch Memirial]()
Views from Stretch Memirial
![Views from Stretch Memorial]()
Views from Stretch Memorial
![Stretch Memorial]()
Stretch Memorial
![Stretch Memorial]()
Stretch Memorial
Leaving Stretch’s memorial, you still climb higher along the rocky track and the
views just keep getting better and in the distance you can see the track that you will be eventually taking following the crest of the distant hills. At a point when you think you will be heading for the top of Mt Arden, you then descend down into a small valley that is very different to all the country travelled so far. This small valley has trees that are hundreds of years old and are the old and gnarly giant River Red Gums, that are interspersed with more grass trees. At this location, and proving the weather is not hot and a fire ban day is a great bush built BBQ complete with a table and seats and another memorial
plaque to Quentin Smith, one of the first tourist pioneers that took people through the Stoke’s property and other locations through the
Flinders Ranges.
![Still getting higher and we have to head over to that ridge line]()
Still getting higher and we have to head over to that ridge line
![Still climbing ever higher]()
Still climbing ever higher
![Distant tracks that we will travel on later in the day]()
Distant tracks that we will travel on later in the day
![The views are just unreal]()
The views are just unreal
![Another Grass Tree and views over the valleys below]()
Another Grass Tree and views over the valleys below
![The Arden Hills Self Drive Tracks hugs the ridge line]()
The Arden Hills Self Drive Tracks hugs the ridge line
![This small gully is home to a number of species of plants, including these Rive Red Gums]()
This small gully is home to a number of species of plants, including these Rive Red Gums
![Quentin Smith Memorial]()
Quentin Smith Memorial
![On a cool winters day, this BBQ would be great]()
On a cool winters day, this BBQ would be great
![This special little gully]()
This special little gully
![And the BBQ area is complete with this table and seats]()
And the BBQ area is complete with this table and seats
![The BBQ area]()
The BBQ area
Leaving this quaint little valley, you then ascend yet another steep ridge as you make your way over the rugged track. Reaching the ridge line, you then slowly follow the crest of the range and are rewarded yet again with some unreal 3601views and as you look south along the ridge, you will see where you have to travel. After following the ridge for some time, it is then time to head back down to the valley below and you approach a sharp and very rocky corner known as $1000.00
![Arden Hills views and showing tracks that we still have to travel on]()
Arden Hills views and showing tracks that we still have to travel on
![Track conditions - not bad in this section]()
Track conditions - not bad in this section
![Track conditions]()
Track conditions
![Time for another stop]()
Time for another stop
![Views to the west from the ridge top track]()
Views to the west from the ridge top track
![It does not matter what time of the year you travel, there is usually something in flower]()
It does not matter what time of the year you travel, there is usually something in flower
![Travelling along the ridge line]()
Travelling along the ridge line
![Travelling along the ridge line]()
Travelling along the ridge line
![Another view to the west]()
Another view to the west
![Travelling along the ridge line]()
Travelling along the ridge line
![Distant views of the track that we will follow]()
Distant views of the track that we will follow
![$1000 hill and corner]()
$1000 hill and corner
This aptly named
hill and corner was given this name by Graham Stokes, when in the 1980’s, it took bulldozer driver
John Swears a number of days to cut this corner and track down the steep
hill, and as Graham commented, “ Those dozer drivers had nerves of steel ” and this was the actual costs back then to construct this section of track. While in this area and in times of the
wildflowers being in flower, it would be worth the time to stop and have a look at them, as there are a few unique Correa and other rare plants in this area.
![Remains of old bore casing in one of the creeks high up in the hills]()
Remains of old bore casing in one of the creeks high up in the hills
![I wonder what these were going to be used for?]()
I wonder what these were going to be used for?
![Looking back on this hair pin corner were extreme caution must be taken]()
Looking back on this hair pin corner were extreme caution must be taken
![Showing the track down the other side of the range]()
Showing the track down the other side of the range
![The track following the ridge line]()
The track following the ridge line
![These images make it look easy]()
These images make it look easy
The track down to the gully below is more an eroded gully rather than a track and extreme care is required and wheel placement is critical, and at one state when we did the drive we had a sea saw affect as one of the front wheels was high in the air and the car was on a strange angle. Down in this small gully and the River Red Gums seemed to be growing straight out of
the rock and there were signs that at one stage, a
bore had been sunk in the hope of utilising the underground water deep below the surface. While still in the gully, there was a large length of old metal piping that had been hand riveted, a dead giveaway of its age.
![Looking south from the ridge line]()
Looking south from the ridge line
The ridge hopping continues and the countryside was now spinifex and the occasional Grass Tree and then the steep descents continued as you leave the ridge line and head east and you start to make your way back to where you first started the drive from
Warren Gorge. The Arden Hills Self Drive is one drive that anyone with a love of the
Flinders Ranges and a four wheel drive should make a priority to visit the next time you are in the
Quorn area.
A very special thanks to fellow EO Member, Graham and his wife Maxine for being our guides for the day and showing us their back yard as such and to Graham and Inge Stokes for opening up their property and sharing this unreal, true four wheel drive.
![Special thanks to Graham and Maxine who were our hosts for the day.]()
Special thanks to Graham and Maxine who were our hosts for the day.
Stephen Langman
June 2017