River Red Gum

Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Eucalyptus
Species: camaldulensis
Main Flower Colour: White


Medium to tall tree with a thick trunk and major branches. Grey flaking bark on trunk and lower branches. Young trees and minor branches have smooth mottled bark.
The most widely distributed eucalypt, found in all mainland states, mostly along rivers and on floodplains where it forms open forests and woodlands.


The main flower colour is white. Buds have a sharply contracted point or "beak" on the bud cap. The valves covering the pores through which the seeds escape are pushed out beyond the rim of the gum-nut.


The dark red wood is hard and heavy, and is termite resistant. It has been widely used for fence posts, railway sleepers and heavy construction timber. Burns well giving a hot fire. The flowers produce abundant nectar for honey.
Mature trees have many hollow branches providing essential nesting sites for birds and small mammals. Trees that fall into rivers provide important fish and other aquatic animal habitat.


Forest Trees of Australia. Boland, Brooker et al.
Views (per week)38


Bio Regions

Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Riverina (RIV), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Cobar Peneplain (COP), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Burt Plain (BRT), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mulga Lands (MUL), Carnarvon (CAR)

Region Specifics

Hattah Lakes, western Victoria

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