Whether you drive a top of the line luxury model, or a bush beast, all vehicles benefit from a little care. Protecting your vehicle against the elements under a carport or garage or at
home is usually straightforward, but when embarking on an extended trip one should think about the effects of prolonged temperature extremes, UV rays, dust, mud and maybe even salt spray, and water submerssion and how you might find alternative ways to protect your vehicle to minimise the damage such a trip may make upon your vehicles interior and exterior.
Since caravan parks and bush camps don't come with garages you could consider additional rust preventatives or covers to protect the exterior. The interior will also gather excess dust so seats should be covered to minimise permanent damage and to simplify the post-trip cleaning process.
Once you have returned from your trek, a thorough interior and exterior clean is a must. High pressure cleaners are not widely available in country towns and after a trip through dusty or muddy roads, and importantly where any salt from sands or water may have reached the chasis or splashed up into the engine bay you should immediately remove all residue to minimise damage.
A vehicle service that includes a tune-up, changing the oil, changing all the filters and a safety
check should be the minimum. Checking brakes, wheel bearings, fans and belts, rotating tyres, in fact all working parts should be checked, cleaned and maintained. Even if you are not mechanically minded, it is advisable to get to know your vehicle.