Coordinates Converter

This page contains a tool that enables you to enter the latitude and longitude coordinate for any given place in the format of either degrees, degrees minutes seconds, or decimal degrees to obtain the conversion to UTM, DEG, DMS, and DD formats. This is ideal for use with the "Distance Calculator Tool" (see Related Pages) which requires input of decimal degrees.
Enter the latitude and longitude for a position in the boxes below. Data can be entered in any of the formats given (ie. Decimal Degrees, Degrees Minutes Seconds, or Degrees Minutes). After entering data into both boxes simply press ENTER on your keyboard to commence the conversion. Results will be provided for the given position in 4 different formats (DD, DMS, DM and UTM).
Entry of a minus (-) value in the Latitude will indicate a Southern Hemisphere value. A minus (-) value in the Longitude will indicate a position West of the Greenwich meridian. Most positional data for Australia is represented by a minus Latitude (S) and positive Longitude (E).

Page Stats

Created: May 2013
Revised: October 2019
Latest Feedback: October 2013


Gps, Latitude, Longitude, Converter, Coordinates, Position, Gps Position, Map Coordinates, Degrees, Minutes, Seconds, Utm, Grid

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