Lite'n Creamy Sauce

Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 5 mins
Category: Sauces & Toppings
Tags: Sauces & Toppings, One-Pot Dish


A great creamy sauce without the cream - ideal for pasta, risotto, or a topping for meat.


  • 400g can Lite n creamy Evaporated milk
  • 1/2 cup white wine (cask is fine)
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic (jar is fine)
  • Optional: any of the following - sliced mushrooms (tin is fine), baby spinach (fresh), drained/tinned asparagus cuts, drained & sliced semi-dried tomatoes, capers, anchovies, smoked salmon, any other deli-meats, or left-over thin slices of barbequed meats.


  • Step 1Lightly saute any fresh vegetables with garlic (add a little oil, margarine or butter) first.
  • Step 2Pour evaporated milk over vegies or begin with this step - simmer gently.
  • Step 3Add any meats such as chopped slices of smoked salmon, bacon, chicken or fish.
  • Step 4Add any other optional ingredients and gently mix together.
  • Step 5Lastly, add the wine and simmer for no more than 1 minute.
  • Step 6If using as a pasta sauce, cook the pasta whilst making the creamy sauce and drain - then tip all the pasta into the pan with the sauce and mix to combine before serving.
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