Outback Curried Mince & Vegetables

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 25 mins
Category: Mince
Tags: Mince, Camp Oven, One-Pot Dish


An easy meal that can be cooked in a either a Camp Oven, Deep sided Frypan or large diameter Saucepan. Can be done quite quickly but I prefer it slow cooked if time permits. Canned vegetables can be substituted with fresh if available. We pack any leftovers in snap sandwich bags & store in Engel. Makes a hearty sandwich filling for a roadside lunch a day or so later down the track.


  • 500 g mince
  • 400 g can of mixed carrots & peas
  • 400 g can tomatoes
  • small can of sweet corn
  • 1 - 2 Onions sliced.
  • 1 or 2 table spoons Curry Powder, vary to your required taste
  • 2 teaspoons cornflower
  • Good splash of Olive or Peanut Oil


  • Step 1Add a good splash of oil & heat over low heat stirring in curry powder,
  • Step 2Add onions & sautee until lightly cooked then set aside,
  • Step 3Increase heat, add mince & brown, stir regularly breaking up lumps,
  • Step 4Return onions to pan. Delete step 2 if time or utensils are limited,
  • Step 5Add canned vegetables & simmer until all cooked,
  • Step 6Thicken if necessary by stirring in a couple of teaspoons of cornflower mixed in small amount of water or add a handful of rice or pasta & simmer longer until rice is cooked.
  • Step 7Reduce heat to a minimun
  • Step 8Sit back & have a pre dinner drink whilst flavours infuse further.
  • Step 9Serve with toast or damper.
  • Step 10
  • Step 11
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