Four Mile Campground - NSW

  Camp Free


DEG: -29.985001 146.917221
DMS: 29º 59' 6" S 146º 55' 2" E
UTM: 55 J 6682874mN 492015mE
Altitude: 122.18m


Address & Contact

Brewarrina New South Wales
Phone: +612 6830 5152
Email: N/A


The Four Mile camping reserve is one of the most popular free camping sites along the Barwon River. The Four Mile is conveniently located a few minutes out of Brewarrina township along the Coolabah and Carinda Road, offering approximately 12 hectares/ 30 acres of river frontage to camp along which provides campers and families peace and quiet in undisturbed space that boasts nature and wildlife. Whilst immersing yourself into the beauty of Outback NSW, at the Four Mile you could encounter wildlife such as the Kangaroo, Wallaby, Emu, Goanna, Black Cockatoo and Eagles and even an echidna. Facilities include basic toilets, showers (cold), open fire BBQ, Jetty & Boat Ramp all of which are easily accessed from the main sealed road.

If you are not in need of such facilities, you can take one of the dirt tracks which will lead you further into the beautiful river frontage of the Barwon. This stunning camping spot along the river is perfect for a relaxing day of fishing however, be sure to have braid rigged up on your rod, the possibility of reeling in a good sized Murray Cod or yellow belly (golden perch) isn't unheard of. Bring your swimmers, boat and skis for the more adventurous weekend, paddle along at dusk to witness wildlife visiting the river for a drink, jump on your mountain bike and explore your surrounds, or you could just amble the day away taking in mother nature's free gifts. The muddy waters of the Barwon River hold the secrets of the 'Rainbow Serpent'.
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Closest Weather Station

Brewarrina at 14/09:00am EDT
Distance from Four Mile Campground 5.66km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Brewarrina Hospital
Distance from Four Mile Campground 5.66km NW
Mean Max. °C36.234.932.327.522.418.618.120.624.828.932.435.0
Mean Min. °C20.720.417.412.
Mean Rain mm51.249.040.329.130.932.929.121.525.129.734.439.1

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