Dr W. (Bill) Peasley explored this area in 1976 during his search for Warri and Yatungka, the last two members of the Mandildjara tribe living a traditional nomadic life in the western
Gibson Desert. On his way through Constance Headland he blazed a tree and inscribed it with “C 76”. The “C” is for
Carnegie as in David
Carnegie the explorer of the latter 19th century. The tree itself is situated only a few metres to the west of the track where it passes through a small rocky
gorge from the internal pound area of the Constance Headland back into the dunes of the Sandy desert. Dr Peasley is now in his early 90’s and living in
Perth. The story of his search for Warri and Yatungka was turned into a book “The last of the nomads” and a documentary film of the same name.