Camped on a rocky rise between two rugged creeks. Walked the creeks to the south west along the “approximate” coordinates of the Hema Map. Then headed back in the opposite direction along the rocky creek bed. The creek is approximately 5-8 metres in width and where it moves from the rocky gully to the more open country, it has uncovered wide sheets of
rock. It was against one of these sheets that I found a small depression with damp soil supporting a single plant. Nearby was a crevice in the bank about 20 cm high and some metres wide which had been made the
home of a rather large perenti. With the shovel it took me 15 minutes to reveal a beautiful round
rock hole about 600mm wide and 800mm deep. As a shoveled the dirt out, it filled with water. This would be the original
rockhole that Peasley searched for Warri and his partner in 1982. It has fallen into neglect with no indigenous custodians remaining to clear it. It will last until the next heavy showers probably fill it with dirt and rubble again.
Approximately 10 metres up the creek is another small hole about 30cm across and 45 cm deep also containing water.