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This is a large claypan that someone has erected a set of Aussie Rules Goalposts at the southern end. The posts are steel pipe at present but I remember them being old tree trunks in the mid 1980's. The posts were set up by members of Len Beadells Gunbarrel Construction Party on one of their road building excursions in the 50's and 60's. The above Lat and Long are taken right between the goal posts. This place features on the Hema Desert Tracks Maps on the South West Sheet. The claypan is on the southern side of the Gunbarrel Hwy some 26 km west of the Gunbarrel Hwy-
David Carnegie Road intersection. Mick O. Dec 07.
From ABC Article August 2020 - Ngyulbiin Claypan
But nothing is more bizarre than the football oval on a claypan, identified by a handmade
sign boldly declaring "WACA/MCG".
According to Darren Farmer, a traditional owner of the area, the oval was created in the 1980s for a one-off match among Martu people.
A teenager at the time, Mr Farmer was living and working in
the desert, harvesting sandalwood with his family.
He said the harvesters decided to invite a footy team from
Wiluna — 400 kilometres down the Gunbarrel — to play a match.
The claypan lies in an area known as Ngyulbiin to Martu people, located near the Mangkili
Nature Reserve.
To prepare the claypan for the occasion it was graded with a small tractor. Gum trees were cut to make some of the goal posts and flour was used to mark the lines on the 'field'.
"The funny part of it was that when we set up the scoreboard, we used the bonnet of an
old car," he said.
Mr Farmer thinks more than 100 people came for the match, camps were assembled around the ground and campfires lit.
"People drove in their old cars from
Wiluna. It took them two days to drive from town, just for this game of football," he said.