Address & Contact Edit
Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater National Park
Western Australia 6770
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Wolfe Creek Crater is a meteorite impact crater (astrobleme) in Western Australia. It is accessed via the Tanami Road 105 km south of the town of
Halls Creek.
The crater is central to the
Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater National Park.
The crater averages about 875 metres in diameter, 60 metres from rim to present crater floor and it is estimated that the meteorite that formed it had a mass of about 50,000 tonnes, while the age is estimated to be less than 300,000 years (Pleistocene).
The local Djaru (Jaru) Aboriginal people know it as Kandimalal. It was brought to the attention of science after being spotted during an aerial survey in 1947, investigated on the ground two months later, and reported in publication in 1949. The European name for
the crater comes from a nearby creek, which was in turn named after Robert Wolfe (early reports misspell the name as Wolf Creek), a prospector and storekeeper during the gold rush that established the town of
Halls Creek.