Anakie - QLD

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -23.549999 147.748886
DMS: 23º 32' 60" S 147º 44' 55.99" E
UTM: 55 K 7395394mN 576434mE
Altitude: 252.48m


Address & Contact

Cameron St
Gemfields QLD 4702
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Discover the oldest town on the Sapphire Gemfield, Anakie, which is rich in both history and gems.

Anakie is positioned at the Sapphire Gemfields 'crossroads' along the Capricorn Highway, and hosts Australia's largest sapphire exhibition, the 'Gemfest - Festival of Gems' over four days each August.

History buffs will enjoy the quaint railway station built in 1884 as part of the rail push into western Queensland. Be sure to look behind the station for the 130-year-old bottle tree, engraved with the initials of the soldiers who were on their way to war.

Visit the historic Anakie Hotel which had to be partially rebuilt in 1971 after a disgruntled patron blew out the front section with gelignite. You can also enjoy the community rejuvenated town dam area.

Anakie has your accommodation covered with a bed and breakfast, caravan park and hotel/motel. The nearest hospital is located at Emerald, and there is a service station, along with a local pub for meals and drinks.
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Closest Weather Station

Emerald at 18/08:00pm EST
Distance from Anakie 43.52km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Emerald Airport
Distance from Anakie 43.52km E
Mean Max. °C34.333.432.729.926.
Mean Min. °C22.
Mean Rain mm88.881.755.735.

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