Address & Contact Edit
Mulligan Hwy Mt Molloy QLD 4871
Phone: 1300 308 461
Camping is allowed on some council
reserves throughout the year.
48 Hour stops are permitted only at Rifle Creek
Rest Area, Mt Molloy for a gold coin donation. There are cold showers,
toilets, tables, rubbish
bins and a
dump point. Pets are allowed.
Council welcomes RV travellers to the
Mareeba Shire and provides RV dump points and water refill stations at the following locations:
Dump Points:
Chillagoe –
Chillagoe Rodeo grounds, 78 Frew Street
Mareeba – Doyle Street,
MareebaWater refill:
Mareeba – Doyle Street,
MareebaMareeba –
Lions Park, Byrnes Street (near BP)
Mareeba – Firth Park, Cnr Meldrum and Courtney Streets,
MareebaAs there are restrictions on free camps in the
Port Douglas area, this is the nearest cheap
campsite. The site is just off the highway so is not quiet and you are likely to be sharing with other caravanners.