Wilson Inlet - WA

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -34.99470606 117.41412855
DMS: 34º 59' 40.94" S 117º 24' 50.87" E
UTM: 50 H 6127466mN 537792mE
Altitude: 0m


Place Type

Geography - Lake,River,Creek


367kms SouthEast of Perth - Driving 420 km (4 hours 58 mins)

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The Wilson Inlet is located less than 1km from the township of Denmark and is fed from the Denmark and Hay Rivers. It is over 20km long and is abundant with a variety of fish and bird life.

Despite its shallow depth of only 2-4 metres this large inlet produces catches of cobbler, King George whiting, pink snapper, mullet, salmon trout, tailor and some very large flathead to those that fish from a boat. Fishing restrictions apply so ensure you have a WA recreational boat fishing licence (RBFL) and understand the rules and regulations - especially of pink snapper. Also, at certain times of the year, the inlet can be abundant with prawns and blue manna crabs.

There are 3 boat launch options for Wilson Inlet. A boat ramp at Rivermouth Caravan Park (Inlet Drive) is probably the most convenient for larger boats. A fish cleaning station with runner water, and hose can be used to wash fish and boat engines. Public toilet by ramp and bait shop in caravan park.

Many species of land and water birds can be seen around the Wilson Inlet including pelicans and black swans.
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Closest Weather Station

Albany Airport at 22/02:30pm WST
Distance from Wilson Inlet 35.83km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Albany Airport
Distance from Wilson Inlet 35.83km E
Mean Max. °C24.724.924.121.818.916.615.816.117.318.720.823.1
Mean Min. °C13.714.413.411.
Mean Rain mm24.

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