Lake Maraboon - QLD



DEG: -23.692419 147.998291
DMS: 23º 41' 32.71" S 147º 59' 53.85" E
UTM: 55 K 7379470mN 601781mE
Altitude: 202m


Address & Contact

Lake Maraboon
Queensland 4702
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Lake Maraboon is Queensland's second largest lake. At a massive 15,000 hectares surface area when full and holding 1.3 million megalitres of water, the Fairbairn Dam was constructed in 1972 across the Nogoa River "Gap" creating Lake Maraboon.

Lake Maraboon was first stocked in the late 1980's. The lake has been stocked with barramundi, Mary River cod, southern saratoga, bass and silver perch. Eel-tailed catfish, spangled perch, red claw crayfish, sooty grunter and golden perch. Georgia fish are additionally present. On the lake fishing is banned within 200 metres of the dam wall, while below the ban extends for 400 metres.

The dam is relatively shallow with large areas of standing timber. There are no boating restrictions and one concrete boat ramp.

Built primarily to service the Emerald Irrigation Scheme, which produces some 25% of Queensland's cotton as well as large areas of citrus. The lake is dominated by masses of standing timber, steep rocky banks and broad areas of submerged flat country from the main basin right to the headwaters.
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Closest Weather Station

Emerald at 19/08:00am EST
Distance from Lake Maraboon 22.64km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Emerald Airport
Distance from Lake Maraboon 22.64km NE
Mean Max. °C34.333.432.729.926.
Mean Min. °C22.
Mean Rain mm88.881.755.735.

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