Address & Contact Edit
Nornalup Inlet
Phone: 08 9840 0400
Web: N/A
Coalmine Beach is a popular swimming location for families or fishing along the inlet edges. There is wheelchair access to a platform for relaxing at the edge of the inlet.
The Beach was named because of the presence of a shallow seam of coal at the base of the cliffs. Attempts to
mine the coal were abandoned as the coal is very low grade. The main beach is accessed just past the turn off to the caravan park. Take the scenic loop road (Knoll's Drive) to return to this point for great
views where the Walpole &
Nornalup Inlet's meet.
A 6km return walking trail starts in Walpole through woodland and wetlands to Coalmine Beach. This is called the Coalmine Beach
Heritage Trail.
The Delaney Walk begins at Coalmine Beach
recreation area and heads to Hilltop
Lookout. A nire difficult walk of 10km return (or 5km one way) along part of the Bibblumun Track.