Winderabandi Point is a very popular spot, and has subsequently become over camped by long-termers (up to 3mths). There's not much protection out here - the best you can hope for is some low scrub but it certainly won’t provide any shade. Prepare yourself
well to have an enjoyable stay. Plenty of fish can be caught off
the beach here -
garfish, whiting, flathead, trevally, queenfish and occasionally bigger varieties of reef fish, however this entire stretch of coast is better suited to those with a small fishing boat. Apparently, salt water fly fishing is the most successful method. You'll also see dolphins and turtles come right in close to the shoreline and there's plenty of shell collecting and beach walking to do if you tire of the fishing.
Further to the above description be aware that north from Winderabandi Point is a NO BOAT FISHING Sanctuary through until the southern boundary of
Cape Range National Park. Winderabandi unfortunately is one of those destinations that are popular and suffers from being loved to death, the biggest problem there now are four wheel motor bikes and the damage they are doing to the dunes especially at the southern end of Winderabandi.