Address & Contact Edit
870 Arthurs Creek Rd
Arthurs Creek VIC 3099
Phone: 03 9433 3111
Arthurs Creek is a town in Victoria, Australia, 33 kilometres north-east of
Melbourne's Central Business District. It is named after Henry Arthur, a member of
John Batman's Port Phillip Association and nephew of George Arthur, a governor of Tasmania. Another source says that it was named by the surveryor Thomas Nutt, supposedly because one of his party, a Mr Arthur, died and was buried in this location.
Arthurs Creek began as a horticultural settlement with numerous orchards. After the First World War tomatoes began to replace orchards, and continued until and beyond World War II when irrigated farms in northern Victoria took over production. Cattle and sheep farms replaced horticulture as the principal industry.
Today, Arthurs Creek is little more than a closely settled collection of land-holdings that are a mixture of small
farm properties including vineyards, orchards, and life-style properties.