Wangoom - VIC

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -38.330212 142.577835
DMS: 38º 19' 48.76" S 142º 34' 40.21" E
UTM: 54 H 5756368mN 637910mE
Altitude: 48.14m


Address & Contact

Wangoom Rd
Wangoom VIC 3279
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


After European settlement of the area in the 1840s, mixed farming was conducted by many landowners and leasees until the introduction of the milking machine followed by a period where most farms derived a large proportion of their income from dairying. Since 1970 most of the smaller dairies have ceased operating and the few remaining farms are considerably larger in size often using land previously used by smaller dairy farms. Family names that have long associations with Wangoom over the period 1852 to 2011 include Melican, Adams, Crothers, Lee, Flett, Giles, Rea, O'Keefe, Trigg, Dixon, Wright, Mahood, Wickham, Glasgow, Henderson and Bell.

Today, Wangoom is a small village of less than 400 people in the region. Wangoom includes a memorial town hall, a post office, two tennis courts, CFA Fire Station, Uniting Church and a disused milk depot.

Nearby Hopkins Falls is a popular tourist attraction - especially have heavy rain.
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Closest Weather Station

Warrnambool at 22/04:30pm EDT
Distance from Wangoom 11.97km NW
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Warrnambool Airport Ndb
Distance from Wangoom 11.97km NW
Mean Max. °C24.324.822.820.116.514.113.514.416.017.820.522.6
Mean Min. °C11.512.410.
Mean Rain mm34.232.549.751.567.

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