Address & Contact Edit
Cnr of Keilambete & Goanna Flats Roads Rubyvale
QLD 4702
Phone: 617 4985 4754
The Hotel is built as a log cabin with pretty leafy gardens surrounding. The hotel is fully accessible, facilities include: bar, bistro, gaming, bottle
shop, beer garden, Tab and Keno.
Rubyvale Hotel is the place to go to meet the local characters, hear their stories and learn about sapphires.
The accommodation offers four log cabins that can sleep up to five adults each has kitchenette, bathroom, large living space, TV, open fire
places, air conditioning and private verandah. One of the cabins is wheelchair accessible and another is fully fenced and dog friendly. The other accommodation offered is budget style double rooms with own ensuite, TV, and air conditioned.
Open 7 Days a week 10am – 8pm (or until the staff gets tired and wants to go
home). Meals 7 Days a week 12pm – 2pm & 6pm – 8pm.