Address & Contact Edit
Connor Street Stanthorpe Qld 4380
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
The pretty Quart Pot Creek meanders through
granite country and natural bushland, passes through the town of
Stanthorpe, and continues out through the south-west, where it meets
Spring Creek to form the Severn River.
Granite outcrops are evident along the water course - and make good spots to sit or picnic. The creek banks have been attractively landscaped by the local Council to include five kilometres of walking and cycling tracks, linking one end of town to the Red
Bridge. You'll find tranquil picnic and barbecue areas along the way.
Near the
visitor information centre on the creek bank is Kidspace - a brass monkey-themed playground for families and a good spot to take a break.
Pet friendly, picnic areas,
public toilet.