Address & Contact Edit
Don Ferguson Drive Peterborough SA 5422
Phone: +618 8651 3566
Email: N/A
This road runs parallel to the Main Street and is the perfect spot to park your caravan or RV during the day whilst either passing through town, or visiting the many shops. They are literally metres away. (Please note - there is strictly no
parking overnight on Don Ferguson Drive or the Main Street).
There are 4 entry / exits to Don Ferguson Drive from Main Street.
1 - Eastern end, next to the Town Carriage
2 - mid-way, opposite the Chemist
3 - mid-way, next to the
free dump point, opposite 229 Capitol Theatre Cafe
4 - Western end, next to the Skate Park
There is a walking trail along the length of Don Ferguson Drive with tables and seating to use, along with free gym equipment (if you want to exercise those muscles!) This walking trail runs from Steamtown and the
Visitor Information Centre (western end of town) all the way to Town Carriage, with solar lighting for its entire length.