Mount Camel Beach - SA



DEG: -33.277069 134.73938
DMS: 33º 16' 37.45" S 134º 44' 21.77" E
UTM: 53 H 6317966mN 475730mE
Altitude: 5.02m


Address & Contact

Mt Camel Beach
Phone: N/A
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Web: N/A


Mount Carmel beach lies immediately west of 60 m high Mount Carmel. A reasonably accessible and scenic section of coast. There are two beaches, the main beach a straight 1.3 km long west facing exposed beach that receives high waves and is dominated by strong permanent rips to either end, as well as usually two more central beaches rips.

The car park on the bluffs above the beach provides a good view of the surf and rips. Dolphins are regularly spotted along this pleasant coast. A 30 m high small point forms the northern boundary, on the northern side of which is the 200 m long northern beach. This beach can only be accessed at low tide around the point or down the steep backing 40 m high bluffs.

Mount Camel Beach offers excellent surf fishing all year round for salmon, mullet and large tommies. Be careful rock fishing as large waves can wash over the platforms.

There is also accommodation in the Camel Beach House, an oceanfront heritage property.
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Closest Weather Station

Elliston at 20/09:00am CDT
Distance from Mount Camel Beach 43.68km S
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Distance from Mount Camel Beach 43.68km S
Mean Max. °C25.825.624.222.319.417.116.417.219.221.523.524.5
Mean Min. °C15.715.914.312.
Mean Rain mm10.213.415.127.552.173.070.559.139.730.319.516.7

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