Address & Contact Edit
12 Hermitage Street GERALDTON WA 6530
Phone: +61 8 9965 8888
Open: Monday to Friday 7am - 8pm; Saturday & Sunday 8am - 2pmHospital contacts listed above. Other Contacts Emergency
Services (Life Threatening Emergencies)Ambulance, Fire, Police – 000
Mental Health Emergency 24/7 – 1300 555 788 or 1800 522 002 (Toll Free)
Information Centre - 13 11 26General Contacts (Non-Emergency)
Healthdirect Australia (Medical Advice) – 1800 022 222
Lifeline – 13 11 14
WA Police Force (General Enquiries) - 131 444
Crimestoppers - 1800 333 000
WA Parks & Wildlife Service - +61 8 9219 9000
Wildcare Helpline (Injured Wildlife) - +61 8 9474 9055
RSPCA WA (Animal Cruelty Reporting) - 1300 278 358Utilities - Outages and Emergencies
Western Power - 13 13 51
Water Corporation - 13 13 75