Address & Contact Edit
1835 Beechmont Rd
Beechmont QLD 4211
Phone: N/A
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Beechmont is a small country village nestled between the Lamington Plateau and Tamborine Mountain.It is a popular destination for bushwalkers who travel through the village to reach the Binna
Burra section of
Lamington National Park. Hangliders and paragliders also frequent the area, with Rosin's
Lookout a popular launching point.Beechmont was originally called Beech Mountain due to the once prolific numbers of White Beech trees found in the area. However, numbers dwindled due to the White Beech being highly sought after by timber getters in the 1800s, who were the first settlers in the area.Beechmont is now
home to some 840 people. Beechmont State School, Graceleigh Park and the Beechmont Community Hall are focal points of the local community.