Ravine Des Casoars Hike - SA

  Walk Track


DEG: -35.799 136.612
DMS: 35º 47' 56.4" S 136º 36' 43.2" E
UTM: 53 H 6037146mN 645660mE
Altitude: 86.88m


Address & Contact

Ravine Des Casoars Hike
Flinders Chase SA 5223
Phone: +618 82077700
Email: N/A
Web: https://www.parks.sa.gov.au/parks/flinders-chase-national-park


Flinders Chase Nation­al Park is recov­er­ing nat­u­ral­ly fol­low­ing the 2019–20 sum­mer bush­fires, which burnt 96 per cent of the park (and the Ravine des Casoars Wilder­ness Pro­tec­tion Area). Bush­fires have played an inte­gral part in shap­ing the ecol­o­gy of the Aus­tralian land­scape for mil­lions of years. Many native plant species are adapt­ed to sur­vive, regen­er­ate and thrive after fire and much of the park is regain­ing its green cloak of coastal health, mallee wood­land and euca­lypt for­est. Goan­nas, koalas, eagles, kan­ga­roos and echid­nas are reg­u­lar­ly spot­ted in the park.

A selec­tion of short­er trails have re-opened, includ­ing the Ravine des Casoars. This trail takes the walker through Ravine Des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area. Hike along a creek to the end where you will find a beautiful beach and caves to explore. It is a 7km/3 hour walk.

Entry fees apply. There is a 24-hour wifi pay­ment hotspot at Rocky Riv­er, 5 km inside the park entrance, but giv­en the remote loca­tion the con­nec­tion can be slow and it’s best to pay day entry before you go. NPWS staff are in the park dai­ly from 9am to 5pm. The park has lim­it­ed toi­lets, there is no food or drink avail­able for pur­chase through­out the park.

Pets, includ­ing dogs, are not per­mit­ted in the park.
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Closest Weather Station

Cape Borda at 22/07:00pm CDT
Distance from Ravine Des Casoars Hike 5.11km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Stenhouse Bay
Distance from Ravine Des Casoars Hike 64.87km NE
Mean Max. °C25.024.923.220.918.516.315.516.218.119.822.023.1
Mean Min. °C16.717.115.914.
Mean Rain mm12.915.322.927.251.573.164.958.645.430.722.017.0

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