Address & Contact Edit
28 Absolon Street Dumbleyung WA
Phone: +61 8 9863 4829
Email: N/A
The Bluebird Interpretive Centre is housed within the CRC and is a tribute to the late Donald Campbell and his 1964 World Water Speed Record on
Lake Dumbleyung. The Interpretive Centre includes a feature wall of Donald Campbell, a number of story boards, memorabilia, and merchandise from the 50th Anniversary.
Also directly across the road from the Bluebird Interpretive Centre is a life size replica of Donald Campbell's K7 Bluebird. The Dumbleyung community fundraised to build the replica in time to celebrate the 50th anniversary on December 31, 2014.
Viewing of the Bluebird Interpretive Display and Bluebird replica are free of charge.
The CRC is open Monday to Friday - 9:00am til 4:30pm. Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays.