Address & Contact Edit
Great Alpine Rd
Omeo VIC 3898
Phone: +613 6145 0211
Email: N/A
Nice place for lunch & walk with interesting information on how the gold was sought. At the
picnic area there are tables, barbecues, fireplaces and
toilets available.
Dogs are allowed but must be on a leash. No camping or firearms. Be aware of
mine shafts and unstable cliffs.
Walks around the claims are The Pioneers
Lookout, Ah Fongs Loop and you can also walk to and from
The name of Oriental Claims refers to a 19th century European mining company ‘The Oriental Company’, which worked this particular piece of the ground from 1876 until 1904. The term also acknowledges the significant contribution of Chinese miners to the area’s history.
Gold was first discovered in the
Omeo district in 1851. As it was publicised in the
Sydney and
Melbourne newspapers, miners were soon heading to the area to stake a claim. In the fifty years that the Claims were consistently worked, its estimated total gold production was 58,000 ounces.