Place Type
Population - Village
492.87kms NorthWest of Brisbane - Driving 680 km (7 hours 51 mins)
Address & Contact Edit
Bauhinia QLD 4718
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A
For thousands of years, indigenous people lived
in this area, leaving behind stencil art and other
sacred sites. The explorer Ludwig Leichhardt and
his party passed through the area in November
1844. Leichhardt was a keen botanist and
collected vegetation samples, among them were
several species of the bauhinia tree from which
our community draws its name. Leichhardt’s
glowing reports of the areas’ open grassland or
‘downs country’ led to settlement by sheep
pastoralists in the 1850/60s.
However, it wasn’t until the clearance of the
brigalow for agriculture in the 1960s that our little
town was gazetted and established in 1967.
Today Bauhinia prospers from the rich fertile soils
which support intensive grain growing and
produces quality cattle grazing pastures. With
reliable water from artesian sources and surface
streams, our area offers some of the most
dependable grazing country in Queensland.