Brighton Downs - QLD



DEG: -23.36146 141.561203
DMS: 23º 21' 41.26" S 141º 33' 40.33" E
UTM: 54 K 7416354mN 557359mE
Altitude: 117.25m


Place Type

Population - Station,Homestead


880.06kms SouthWest of Daintree - Driving 1300 km (20 hours 0 mins)

Address & Contact

Middleton QLD
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


Brighton Downs is a 1 million acre(4,206 sq. Km) cattle station straddling the Diamantina River. It stretches from the Nisbet Range, in the east, past the McCartney Ranges, to within a few kilometres of the Winton-Boulia road.
Depending on the seasons, carrying capacity can be as high as 10,000 head, with staff numbers of 8-10 people. Cattle are "grown-out" here, before being trucked to other stations in the Central Highlands, or to a feedlot in the same area.
The station complex has been situated on a red gravel ridge, well above flood height, and has an all weather airstrip that runs through the buildings. During major flood events, the Diamantina surrounds the station, giving the residents a taste of "island living". 240V power is supplied by diesel generators, that run 24 hours/day. Diesel fuel capacity is 55kL, as fuel deliveries can be scarce when the Diamantina is in flood.
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Closest Weather Station

Trepell at 21/02:00am EST
Distance from Brighton Downs 182.45km N
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Boulia Airport
Distance from Brighton Downs 176.57km W
Mean Max. °C38.537.435.431.426.723.322.925.830.234.236.938.6
Mean Min. °C24.524.021.817.
Mean Rain mm48.150.336.713.712.910.

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